The Road to Success: 10 tips to achieving your professional and personal goals - PART 1
The road to success is always under construction! I was watching ESPN the other day and listened as the sportscaster talked about the road to success in sports. Everyone is striving to be the best at what they do. As I listened to the show, I realized that this mentality not only applies to sports but it spills over into every aspect of our lives. How do we achieve success? Here are some points to ponder when creating your game plan of success.
PART 1 10 Tips for achieving your professional and personal goals:
1.) Focus: Being able to block out distractions will be paramount in creating the discipline needed for success. All great leaders are great because they are able to concentrate on what matters. As you remove the unnecessary noise, you will stay focused on your goal and walk in your purpose.
2.) Find: Identify a network of like-minded individuals that you can trust. This network will help you realize your potential and hold you accountable to your goals. It is extremely important to have a community of individuals to help you process your journey. Rev. Gardner Taylor said, "Cut flowers don't grow!" We need to be connected to a community in order to grow and succeed.
3.) Fix: Historically speaking, many successful people have been solution oriented people. We will always run into problems and conflict in life, however, successful people look for solutions and collaborations. If you want to be successful than seek to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
4.) Fit: Take time to create and establish your brand. What gifts, talents and resources make you, uniquely you? After identifying those characteristics, manage your brand by having consistency. Make sure everything fits who you are as a brand. For example, your choices in clothes, career and character should all be consistent.
5.) Fresh: Challenge yourself to ask the tough questions. "Can this be done better?" Push back when others say, "This is how we have always done business!" Can you find ways to do business better? Don't be afraid to fail. One way to create fresh ideas is by talking with others, asking for advice and seeking mentorship.