Road to Recovery: New Normal
The COVD-19 situation has caught us all off guard.
These are extraordinary times, and the pandemic is affecting every aspect of our daily lives, our families, our communities, and, of course, how we all work here at Teqfocus.
Now, there is no doubt that the workflow of our jobs is changing quickly, with many of you doing so much of your work remotely for the first time, while also caring for children at home. I'm learning myself, sharing office space at home with my little one, and juggling between his schedules and my team meetings. So, there's no rulebook to play with, and the only way we can get through this is by having deep empathy and understanding for each other's situation!
It’s clear that this is a marathon and not a sprint and we will be forever changed by this collective experience, and emerge with a different perspective in critical areas, including how we work, learn, and sustain.
So, the question arises “What changes will the IT companies have to make in the way they operate to win in the post-Covid19 world?”
The answer is through Client-centricity because it will become more important than ever.
Clients are reviewing everything, from solutions to bolster their liquidity, to modern workplace solutions, to omnichannel and e-commerce enablement. We will see an acceleration to industry-aligned solutions, such as virtualized claims, robot Deliveries, Telehealth, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
Virtual agile—a methodology of software development that is iterative and offers flexibility and speed—will be embraced at scale. Cloud adoption will accelerate. Data modernization will be prioritized.
In short, we are now entering the world of mobile, virtual, and personal solutions.
More broadly, business continuity planning will take on a whole new meaning. A “work anywhere” culture will emerge. Teams will need to be fully virtual and empowered to collaborate, innovate, and deliver efficiencies across the world to solve clients’ challenges. And IT companies’ capabilities and offerings will need to be focused on enabling clients to remodel their traditional technology platforms and operate as fully digital businesses.
Likewise, there are many more areas that will undergo changes rapidly. Each one is small by itself. Yet collectively, they make a significant impact
For me, the best way I’ve found to get past this anxiety is to focus on what I can do each day to make a small difference. Your commitment makes all the difference! Each of us, wherever we are, has the opportunity to do the same – take an action-driven by hope, a small step that makes things a bit better. And if everyone does something that makes the world a bit better, our collective work will, in fact, make the world a lot better, for the people we love, for our communities, for society. In the midst of this crisis, I am more convinced than ever that we have the resilience, the grit, and the resourcefulness to get through this together.
Also, as a Technology Leader and the CEO, I am proud and inspired by the way, we as a company have risen to this challenge - with flexibility, resilience, courage – and a caring heart. I want to thank each one of you for your enormous contributions. Let’s work together – across all parts of the business - to keep going and make this one of our finest hours.
I would also like to thank our supporters and clients and assure you that we are resilient as a group. Over the course of time, we have seen – and mastered – many challenging moments and we are convinced that we will overcome this one too.
We are always here for you—not only when times are good, but even more so when times are difficult.
We’ll do our best to continue to provide our very essential software services to you each and every day.
As always, we thank you for your attention, consideration, and continued trust. Most importantly, we hope that you and your family are safe and remain healthy.
Take care…