The Road-map to Success
Caleb Wafula Wasilwa
Business Development Specialist, Available for Opportunities at Home Biogas Kenya Limited
Take The Journey To Success!
All success in life, whether it is personal or professional, requires a roadmap. That is, a roadmap that bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Do you have a clear path to success? Without a roadmap, we all know that some people won’t ask for directions (we won’t mention any names), and will go round and round in circles, reaching their destination long overdue. Or they never reach it at all. What a tragedy!
Our journey may have begun with a lack of personal fulfillment, spawned by a lifetime of disappointment, despair, and depression. While outwardly portraying some semblance of success and happiness, inwardly something may still be very wrong. This article is to help you discover how to fill that void, and how to create the life of your dreams.
Now it’s Your Turn
I hope the steps will provide you with road signs that will give you clear directions and an easier journey to success. I hope you can avoid some of the mistakes most people make, and some of the misconceptions inherent in such uncharted territory. And most of this tremendous personal growth happens within a couple of years. So please don’t think this has to take the rest of your life…start now, and you will begin to see results almost immediately.
So let’s begin our journey, so that you too can achieve true happiness, joy, and success!
Step One – Accept Responsibility
The first step on the journey may be the most difficult. But once you take this step, the rest of the journey will probably seem a lot easier. In order to be able to create your reality the way you want it to be, and to achieve success and happiness, it’s very important to understand that you have played an active role in creating your life as it is today (gulp!). Every single aspect of your life is a result of a past thought or action.
Like it or not, your life is exactly as you have made it. You are the architect of your life, good or bad. All of your problems were created by you alone, not by your partner, or your parents, or your boss. And all of your successes were created by you, not by luck or chance.
It is critical that you realize that nobody else is to blame for your troubles. Until you accept this as fact, and until you stop blaming others for all your problems, you will not be able to create a better life for yourself. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow—it certainly is for everyone. But once you do, then a whole new world with unlimited possibilities will open up to you!
Step Two – Your Beliefs Are What Stops You from Success
In Step One, we discussed a big key to success is taking full responsibility for your life as it is, as well as the immense power of your thoughts. So the next logical step is to begin paying very close attention to what you’re thinking, and what you’re saying. This exercise will lead you to an understanding of what has been stopping you from achieving success and happiness.
Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs are those which hold us back from reaching our fullest potential. They come from a combination of our own past experiences, our family, our culture, our schools, our social or religious organizations, and most importantly, our very own thoughts. Limiting beliefs and thoughts often create a vicious cycle in our lives, as they feed on each other to keep themselves alive and well. In the process, they often wreak havoc on our lives and ruin our chances at finding happiness and success. Each has its own potent form of energy, and each has the power to dictate exactly how you live your life at every moment…if you let them.
Paying attention to what you are thinking will help you gain much greater awareness of why you don’t yet have the life you desire, and how you can begin to improve it. This may take some time, since our thoughts tend to become a habit, or even an addiction. Sometimes there is a false sense of pleasure from feeling bad—but the pleasure doesn’t last, because it was phony to begin with.
These negative thoughts do not serve you. They just create more of what is ailing you. So wouldn’t you prefer to feel better almost all of the time? Let go of the addiction of negative thinking, hard as that may feel, and you will then be free to create whatever you desire.
Learning to become the observer of your thoughts will shed new light on them, and then they will lose much of their power over you. With practice, you can learn to catch the negative thoughts and choose to think more productive ones from that point forward. And over time, this positive mental attitude will become your “default thought pattern”, which will then manifest good things into your life.
For instance, eliminate the words “I’ll try” from your language. Instead, make the decision either to do something, or not to do it. You can always change your mind later if you feel like it. But “trying” just gets you off the hook and keeps you from being accountable—to yourself and to others. I think you’ll be surprised at just how empowering little changes like this will be.
Step Three – What Do You Really Want? - Spell It Out
This step involves determining what you really want in life, and then to go about the business of creating it. If you could imagine your ideal day, what would that look like? What would you be doing for fun? Who would you be spending time with? What kind of work would you be doing?
For many people, including myself, this can be a very difficult exercise. If it’s difficult for you to do, one place to start is by figuring out what you don’t want first. For many of us, the “don’t wants” include working at an unfulfilling job, struggling to pay the bills each month, being lonely, or not having enough time to do what we want. If you write these down, then it’s not so difficult to then write the exact opposite, and find out what you do want.
Suggested Homework
At this point you may want to spend some quiet time away from the kids, the dog, and the phone, and really think about what you want in your life. You may want to start with something relatively small, just to get your feet wet. Or, if you've already had some success practicing these principles, why not go for something BIG?!
Once you figure out what you want, spend at least 15 to 20 minutes every single day thinking about it in vivid detail. As mentioned above, envision it experientially, as if you already have what you want. Think of all the details, including smell and touch. It's especially important to feel the strong emotions related to actually having it. If it's more money you want, see your bank statements with thousands of extra dollars. Envision piles of checks in your mailbox, and/or piles of hundred dollar bills stacked on your dresser. If it's more customers you desire, see yourself shaking hands with someone who just agreed to do business with you. See your cash flow statements with much higher profits.
Step Four – Choose Only One Outcome
Eliminate All Other Possibilities
Part of being clear about manifesting your desires is to allow only one possible outcome for each thing or situation you desire. If you eliminate all other possibilities, you are giving clear instructions to the Universe about exactly what you want, with no other options, no ambiguity and no confusion. It’s worth repeating here that you do not want to dictate how you will receive what you desire. Let the Universe figure that out, and let it bring you what you want in the best and most efficient manner possible.
If you eliminate all other possibilities, you are in essence choosing only one from the infinite number of possibilities available to you. According to quantum physics, until something is observed by the human eye, it does not yet exist in physical form. It only exists as a possibility. The act of observation (or choice) makes it become physical. Therefore, by eliminating all possibilities but one, you are helping to take it out of its un-manifest (non-physical) form, and manifesting it into a physical form.
I hope you have enjoyed this article – I really hope that it has encouraged you to see the incredible possibilities of your own future in a whole new light. Can you see how your lifelong dreams can actually become your reality? You have the power to do this, right there inside of you, just itching to come out! Can you feel it?
My intention in writing this was to bring you inspiration, hope, and some tools with which you can start creating the life you truly desire. These tools will help you turn your entire life around.
What a fun and exciting way to live!
Peace and blessings,