Road Management Services and Ringway Team Up for Inaugural Employee Safety Day
As part of an ongoing unwavering commitment to employee safety, Road Management Services (RMS) and Ringway have, last week held their inaugural employee safety day.
On the 25th April at the Great Western Steam Museum in Swindon, the two organisations, who along with Mouchel, worked side by side to deliver the Area 29 and Area 31 DBFO contracts came together to highlight employee’s poor decision making, lack of attention to established safety procedures and corner cutting.
Across a full day of immersive presentations, including a mock trial and interactive discussion, delegates will examine what went wrong, why, and most importantly, how those involved could have behaved differently with the aim of improving employee decision making.
Facilitated by duty of care specialists Turner Kenworthy this was delivered to not only employees across the three organisations, but also to their extended supply chain. The highly successful day examined a scenario where a series of seemingly insignificant failings by multiple persons within the supply chain effectively resulted in the death of an employee, illustrating to all involved the importance of taking ownership of safety.
Speaking on the day, Lee Johnson, Operations Director at RMS, who managed the two DBFO contracts on behalf of Highways England explained the reasoning behind the event, “Over the course of the contract both RMS and our partners such as Ringway have had an exemplary track record on safety. This has been down to a huge commitment from all parties to ensure that we continually strive to maintain a first class record which has seen us record zero RIDDOR reportable incidents across the 21 years years of the contract.”
“As an organisation we recognise that, despite this, we cannot be complacent. Therefore, we continually look for new and innovative ways of tackling challenges which our workforce face on a day to day basis through both procedural reviews and refresher training to ensure that our supply chain understand the importance of prioritising safety.”
Adding to this John Upcott, Divisional Director at Ringway said, “Our employees face dangerous situations daily simply carrying out their jobs. We were delighted to partner with RMS on this event as a fresh approach to reinforcing the beliefs, which we, as an organisation hold dear.”
“The safety of our employees and supply chain is our number one priority and this event is just a further example of our commitment. Because of this we are investigating how we can best roll this out across our organisation as a whole to best reinforce our own safety message.”
Concluding, Mr Johnson added, “If one employee, or member of our supply chain, takes from this event the thought, ‘What’s the worst that could happen and could I live with the consequences’, and makes the right decision with regards to their own or a colleague’s safety, then the investment has been worthwhile.”