The Road less Stupid
Andy Walter
Helping clear up the misconceptions around leadership that get most businesses stuck
This is a great book by Keith Cunningham on how to make better decisions and minimise risk in business, I suggest every business owner should read it, and yet here’s the thing, most of you won’t.
Let’s talk about that for a moment shall we, we have all done dumb shit, I know it, you know it and so does everyone who knows you, and still I am prepared to bet a high number of you reading this still act in your business like you are infallible, like you can’t or don’t make mistakes, or if you do accept you make them that you don’t need help fixing them and never make the same mistake twice.
There is a whole body of evidence that suggests people make the same mistake over and over again, and that is why you end up dealing with the same challenges day in day out no matter how much effort you put into dealing with it and you have to ask yourself if that is wise.
Over 10 years of helping owners develop their businesses I have never come across one I couldn’t help to improve in some way, not once, and yet those that turn down the help because they don’t think they make mistakes, or that think they don’t need help in fixing them are still making the same errors and have the same problems 5 or even 10 years later and it has usually gotten worse.
Jim Rohn, one of the best personal development experts of the last 100 years said "Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.” Not can’t do, are not willing to do.
Successful people do not wish it were easier, they wish they were better, and they get help to do that.
Trying to do this all on your own is admirable, it may not be wise but it is admirable, I am passionate about helping business owners get the results they deserve and that is why I write these pieces as honestly and bluntly as I can, because I genuinely want to help and I can only work with so many businesses at a time and I am usually near capacity so this is not a sales pitch it’s a plea for you to get some help in your business, read a book, go to a seminar, get some training, and most importantly find someone you can trust to be honest and blunt with you so you can be better.
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