The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
Suzanne Styles
Human SWOT Analysis | IMB Methodology for Smarter Decisions | Entrepreneurial Intelligence & Strategic Insight | Women’s Empowerment & Personal Transformation | Speaker.
The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
- made popular by James Boswell in The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.,1791,
Meaning: The intention to engage in good acts often fails. It points up the principle that there is no merit in good intentions unless they are acted on.†Meaning from
I remember clearly my grandmother, my mothers, mother, telling me this whenever I told her I wanted to do something. I used to feel my little body fill up with frustration and hopelessness at my situation, even as a little girl I knew that I was not destined to be ordinary, I was determined to be different.
In the universe there is an immeasurable , indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link – Carlos Castaneda
It has taken me to the eve of my fiftieth to embrace my destiny, to accept that my grandmother was right in so many ways. I have had a strong purpose and determination to survive through these years, but have never allowed myself to thrive. My intentions were to be that girl, that extraordinary woman, to make an enormous difference, but I didn’t take the actions required for that intention. I have been the woman with the never give up attitude, but I haven’t had enough belief in me, to create an internal picture that would propel me, like a rocket to fulfil my dreams. I have always in my own way lived a life of service. I have helped countless numbers of people over the years, but I did this to my own disservice and herein lies the lesson.
You must first serve yourself, so that you may have all the resources, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial to be of the greatest service to the universe. When you can create this strong picture of what it is that you desire, this inner desire become the driver of your intention, the action creator, you will be described by those around you as someone whose will is so strong to achieve your goal that you won’t permit anything to get between you and your desired result. Now that’s intention.
I have been described many times as a super achiever, I have always been able to identify and take advantage of my opportunities, always with the intention of being extraordinary and as the opportunity paid off I was there at the front of the queue giving away the spoils leaving very little for myself. Does this sound familiar, sadly it’s a reality for many women today, and this could be you?
I love how Dr Wayne Dyer describes in his book The Power of Intention, how we become disconnected from intention, how we as humans have lost our natural ability to connect? The animal, vegetable and mineral worlds never question their connection to their Source, and as such never question their intentions. But this cannot be said for us, as we have ego yes even women, we have it too. Dr Dyer has written about ego prolifically, and we mostly think it is the realm of men, but as women climb the ladders of business and corporate success, we have taken it upon ourselves to compete with men, become like men, instead of creating a realm where we bring to the fore the talents and attributes that are unique to women.
The 6 ingredients of Ego that Dr Dyer writes about are;
- I am what I have
- I am what I do
- I am what others think of me
- I am separate from everyone
- I am separate from all that is missing in my life
- I am separate from God (depending on your religious beliefs, I prefer Universe)
You see no matter how hard you try, you cannot truly connect with your intention through you ego, you have to adjust these beliefs and then you can seek out your intention and use it to realise your potential.
We live in an intelligent, emotional, and responsive universe nothing in life happens to us, life responds to us.
Beginning a new leg of my journey with renewed intention, I am embracing the lessons learned from many teachers, coaches and mentors. Some of these lessons come from the strangest sources. Jim Carey’s graduation address to the Maharishi University of Management last year was most profound. You see I found myself asking myself, how I could ever reach these heights, to change the lives of 10 000 000 women? Then I remembered that he said this;
“This is the voice of your ego. If you listen to it, there will always be someone who seems to be doing better than you. No matter what you gain, ego will not let you rest. It will tell you that you cannot stop until you’ve left an indelible mark on the earth, until you’ve achieved immortality. How tricky is the ego that it would tempt us with the promise of something we already possess?â€
Dr John Demartini was our guest one our radio show a few months back, we were discussing looking for opportunity in the chaos of the world around you and he said to us “Whatever you pray about, and thank about will come about.†Such wise words from an extraordinary man. How am I going to reach my goal, I don’t know and it’s ok that I don’t know? But I have told the Universe of my intentions, I have asked for help and guidance on the how and I am thankful everyday as I take the action with my intention to make it so.
What is your intention, is your will so strong that nothing will stand in your way?
Suzanne Styles
Please feel free to have a look at how my journey is progressing
Stress Mastery, Change Management, Developing Human Capital and Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Diversity
9 å¹´You are so right Suzanne Styles - our self defeating habits (which we all have) so often stunt our progress, when we think we're doing everything right. And one of the most common as you found, is getting things back to front. Empowering others first, instead of empowering ourselves first.