The Road to Finding One’s Passion!!!
Saurav Roy
Director @ Mosaic Consulting Group | Published Author, Working Professional, Pet Parent of a multi dog home, Loving Husband & a Wanderer
Although I have lived for over 40 years, however, I don’t believe I have made an impact! I theorize I have achieved what I wanted in life, but still, there was something missing…
Over the past year, I have been on a soul-searching journey to find the passion that drives me, what I can utilize to give back to the world at large. When I started on this journey to find my passion, I realized that finding one’s passion is not as easy as it sounds.
Initially I assumed that my hobbies are my passion, I assumed that I was a man of multiple passions, but when I dug deeper, I realized that it is not so. Passion is something that is embedded deep within our heart, our soul. It is ingrained in our very being and that is why we overlook it very easily and then try to find it in our hobbies and our expertise. Trying to find passion is like trying to find God. We search for God in temples, churches, other holy places, in people, in stones but only a few comprehend that God is within us. Maybe passion is God, or it is the very thing that will allow us to reach our God.
So, how would one diagnose the difference between hobbies, expertise, and passion. The answer lies in a few simple questions, but the answers to those questions are not so simple!
You must dig deep within your very being to be able to answer the below questions truthfully -
- What is the one thing that you can do for the entire day, without food, nonstop?
- What is one thing that you would keep doing for your whole life even if you did not get paid?
- What do I enjoy doing the most?
- What have I done in the past that came to me effortlessly?
- What is it that people say I am good at?
- What would you do today if you no longer had to worry about money?
- Assume you were a billionaire, what would you do every day for the rest of your life that will fulfill you?
- What is it that I deeply care about and don’t want others to face?
If you were able to answer the above questions quickly or even if you took your time, now that you have answered it, congratulations to you. You have opened a door of unlimited possibilities. You have now identified your passion or have open the path that will lead you to your passion.
Once your passion is identified, how you use it going forth will determine the legacy you will leave behind.
In my exploration of my passion, I identified that I have always been an animal lover, and after finding my soul mate, my best friend, my wife (Eva), this passion was realized like never before. Now, as I write this, we are pet-parents of 5 and thinking of getting more. But this is not the end, we have been watering a dream to someday open our own animal shelter to cater to abandoned and abused animals.
On the road to utilizing one’s passion, one needs to know that the path is treacherous, you may be ridiculed, laughed at, but we need to become unstoppable, we cannot give up, we won’t give up. If you gave up, then it was not your passion.
So be ready to Run. Stumble. Fall. Fight. Get Back Up. Live. Love. Cry. Laugh. Keep Running. Never Give Up!!!