Road to becoming a #mern stack developer ?? #reactjs

Road to becoming a #mern stack developer ?? #reactjs

# My React Journey

Welcome to React journey ! ??

#Chapter one ??


I document my learning experience with React over the course . As a beginner in React, I embarked on this journey to understand the fundamentals, explore best practices, and build practical projects to solidify my knowledge

What's Inside

.Daily Progress: Each day is a new chapter in my learning journey. I've documented the concepts I covered, challenges faced, and the code I wrote each day.

.Projects: I've included the projects I worked on during this period. From simple components to more complex applications, these projects showcase the evolution of my React skills.

.Resources: Find a curated list of resources that helped me along the way. Whether it's tutorials, articles, or documentation, these resources can be valuable for fellow React enthusiasts.

React documentation

2. How To Start Your First Projects

Read the article to know how to Start Your Journey !!!

Start React Journey

3. Step 1: Create a GitHub Repository :

To put your project up on GitHub, you will need to create a repository for it to live in.

How To Create GitHub Repository

## Git commands for initializing a repository :

 git init

  git add

  git commit -m "first commit"

  git branch -M main

  git remote add origin

  git push -u origin main        


