The road ahead is as long as you make it
Kellie Gordon
Helping Education Leaders appoint Data, Exams, Finance, IT, FM and HR specialists using my ACTION Plan to take away the stress and workload ? Schools, Colleges, MATs and Universities ?Perm and interim? DM me for details
12 Sep
Have you ever been lost in the hills of Tameside in a Fiat Punto that’s running on fumes??
Trying to not get pulled over whilst you turn over the giant pages of the AA Road Atlas of Britain, drop it in the passenger footwell, then contort yourself to retrieve it whilst keeping control of the car?
It was 2008, sat navs weren’t a thing and I was on my way to a school meeting. Flustered and already late, I stopped in a layby.?
I briefly yet dramatically wept on the steering wheel. Then did the obvious thing.?
I called the school and lied.? I asked the Receptionist to pass on a message to say, “I’ve had a little bump in the car, could I come by same time next week?”.
I returned the week later, this time with a colleague as a navigator and keeper of the AA Routemap.
Lying is bad. Obviously.
But going around in circles, wasting time and getting stressed is worse.
Why am I telling you this? To remind you how easily we can fall into this trap.
When we're eager to reach a goal but feeling overwhelmed and stressed, we can rush in without a plan and end up lost.
Have you ever done that?
Started the year with a destination.? Like the admirable but let’s be honest, big hairy beast of a goal – “to sort recruitment".
You were pumped up and ready to make changes.
You even cleared time in your diary.
But when you started researching you tripped into an online black hole of software, agencies, job boards, marketing, social media, LA advice, and what Hayley at your partner school does.
Maybe you settled on one of those solutions.
Then realised it didn’t solve your recruitment problem.
It didn’t get you to your destination.
Like the job board that brought you 46 applications.?
Job done!?
Until you realised one person spelt ‘education’ wrong, another didn’t capitalise their ‘I’s, and the remaining 44 apps were from the same chap in Kuala Lumpar.
So how can you avoid another expensive detour like that?
I swear by a tried and tested recruitment roadmap.
?A recruitment roadmap is a step by step strategy taking you from A:(new vacancy) to Z:(new starter on day 1).
I created a recruitment roadmap for myself.? It’s called the ACTION Plan.
So needed, because when I hit a road bump my knee jerk reaction is to give up.?
Not an option though.? I’ve got a mortgage to pay and a kid who thinks I’m minted.
But having a roadmap means that I don’t waste time mulling over this vs that, I just follow the next step knowing it’ll work.
Having a solid recruitment roadmap you trust will save your:
“Okay Kellie, I get it, I need a recruitment roadmap. But how do I create one?”
It’s simple, isn’t it? But for years I made it difficult because every time I hit an obstacle in the road I panicked!
I won’t lie, it’ll take time.?
It’s an ongoing process where you learn something new with each vacancy.?
It took me 12 years to get my roadmap right because it’s all about on trial and error.
I’m on the other side and I’m thankful I put the time and effort in.
But if you’re thinking “Yeah…no. I can’t wait until 2036.” then I have something for you.
I’ve created an online course teaching you how to implement the ACTION Plan so you can consistently recruit great people, quickly, and easily.
You can use my tried and tested strategy and shortcut the years of trial and error. Which means you can solve your recruitment issues now!
The course starts in January, and you’ll be able to sign up from November.
If November seems too far away and you want this locked down now, then I have exciting news for you!
I’m offering 10 places at 50% off until 20th Sept 2024.
That's £997 instead of £1997.
Get your discounted place here:
Or join the list for more information about the course: