Road Weary: A Great Partner Guides You
Technical Tunnels and winding backroads – the part of the trip that might not be an easy route to follow, but you know you won’t get lost because you’ve got a trusted navigator riding shotgun.
Milepost 2: Promise of Next-Gen Cloud Applications
Roadtrips. They can get long in the tooth. It’s usually around the midway point, when you look back to see how far you’ve gone, but also realize you’ve got a bit more to go to reach your destination. In this case, your destination is reaching the best cloud-based solution for your company. You’re sure going to be relieved when you’ve gotten there, but you know you’ve gotta go through a technical tunnel or two, down a boring, not-so-interesting stretch of road to get to your destination.
That’s when you rely on the expertise of those behind your navigation system, the people who mapped out those handy foldable maps (even though you can never seem to re-fold them) that you count on for guidance and direction. On this cloud-based roadtrip, Magna5 is your navigation expert. We’ll help you get from Point A to Point B so you can simply enjoy the ride and getting to where you really want to be – working with a cloud-based communication system that helps power your business.
So Many Turns … or, Terms?
At this post, you’ll learn about SIP (the glue) for new Cloud-based multimedia applications such as presence, chat, CRM integration, self-serve portal control, disaster recovery built-in, supporting your new "everyday" and “anytime" office. These days, it's a new world – a 24/7 kind of world.
So we are driving down the road and the aforementioned dreaded boredom sets in. What a perfect time to play with the all of the features your car has: seat warmers/coolers, you mess with the lumbar control, adjust the temperature, scan the radio, increase the level of the bass, etc. You want to know all the nooks and crannies associated with this vehicle, and how it will better your experience as a rider.
Your brand new UCaaS platform offers a robust set of features for you to play around with as well. Call forwarding, chat, CRM integration, self-serve portal control, and disaster recovery built-in, all to support your modernized "everyday" and “anytime" office. But how do you bring all of those incredible feature to you? Easy! SIP Trunking.
Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, was initially established to address the ever changing needs that IP-based communications required, such as native support for mobility, multimedia, and interop. SIP supplements other communications protocols like Real-Time Transport Protocols and Real-Time Streaming Protocols, used in IP-based sessions.
SIP consists of five attributes that establish and terminate multimedia sessions: user availability, location, capabilities, and Session setup and management. These multimedia SIP sessions include VoIP calls, video conferencing and any other applications that Unified Communications provides.
To be clear: SIP does not actually provide communication services. Instead, the protocol's description defines interoperable implementations of SIP features, called primitives, that can be used to facilitate different services. Think of it as a highway, and your car is the IP-based form of communication. You are simply using the protocol to transport your message via some form of multimedia. SIP is also used to support name mapping and rerouting services, which is a vital part of the protocol enabling mobility functions.
And see – we got through that tech tunnel pretty quick, right? We were happy to show you the way ... and now, the roadtrip can get interesting again. We’re getting closer and closer to our destination.