On the Road Again!
Will you be in Austin?
My WorkingNation colleagues – Art Bilger , Jane Oates , and Joan Lynch – and I are heading to SXSW EDU for four days and it should be inspiring, busy, and fun.
Have you been to SXSW EDU? The conference brings together the country's top thought leaders around education, equity and inclusion, and workforce development to discuss how the way we learn is changing to match the changes in our work and personal lives.
By the way, it is not just people thinking about the issues, it is people making an impact. The speakers and attendees are proven leaders who are implementing new ideas and strategies around the future of education and the future of work.
WorkingNation is a partner again this year and couldn't be more ready to jump into the middle of the discussion. We’re hosting four panels and I will be recording a Work in Progress podcast with our partners at Cognizant Foundation . I can't wait for that one – I’ll be chatting with some young software engineers who learned their skills through free training programs. One of them is just 17 and hasn't even graduated high school yet.
There is so much to talk about around workforce development and the role education is playing – and must play – in preparing people of all ages and all walks of life for jobs now and in the future. SXSW EDU is always a great place to talk to people about this important issue and how it is impacting people’s lives.
Let me give you a couple of highlights now – follow the links – and we’ll have a lot more at WorkingNation.org later in the week and on our social channels all next week.
Jane is leading the discussion about the incredible value a paid apprenticeship with a remarkable panel. talking about the role of paid apprenticeships – the learn and earn workforce development model – with a remarkable panel.
I’m moderating a session on midcareer workers who often face a tough time when the job they have been doing changes or is eliminated by the tech evolution.
Hari Sreenivasan – a longtime friend, not only to me but to WorkingNation – is leading a discussion on how you don’t have to live in Silicon Valley to build a thriving tech education and innovation community.
And in another panel, we’re exploring programs and initiatives designed to close the digital skills gap that is preventing some in the Hispanic community from educational and work opportunities that could provide family-sustaining skills and careers. ?
Can't be in Austin? We'll bring the conference to you! Joan and I – and our fabulous team on the ground and working remotely – will be interviewing speakers and attendees and then sharing the conversations in our WorkingNation Overheard social media series. Look for it on LinkedIn and Twitter under the hashtag #WorkingNationOverheard.
I'm just back from Tulsa!
I spent a couple days in Tulsa, Oklahoma last week, reporting on how the city is building a tech hub in the heartland. I talked to some really interesting and VERY SMART people about how the city is building on its strong foundation of a world-class education system, civic leadership, nonprofit funding, and an entrepreneurial spirit to achieve this goal.
If the people I talked to are any indication, they are well on their way to making this mission a reality. Want to hear for yourself? Check out the first episodes of the Destination Tulsa podcast. Shout out to our partners at Tulsa Innovation Labs for their support and insight.
We've been to Colorado, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania!
Okay. Okay. It was just virtually. But, it really felt like we were there in person.
Our amazing team of journalists and storytellers have been "traveling" the country, talking to folks about how much the green workforce is growing from state to state for our Green Jobs Now series of articles, videos, and podcasts. What I love best about this series is learning about just how different each state is and the immense variety of jobs that fall into the green category around the country.
We are not just talking solar panels and wind turbines. We've met steelmakers, architects, robotics operators, and plumbers, to name a handful of the dozens of people we've already spoken to for the series.
Arkansas is on the horizon. Did you know it's the top producer of rice in the country? Last year alone, it grew three times more rice than the next largest state -- California. And the famers there are doing it sustainably. Check out the next stories on March 10 on our website and wherever you get your podcasts, and catch up on the earlier ones.
I've got to finish packing!
My bags won't pack themselves for Austin. And my associate producer Katie Schindelheim won't pack them for me. Believe me, I've asked.
See ya in Austin!