Road to 1500 (Day3, game4)
4. I thought it'd be a good idea to attack his f6 knight with my bishop. I'd probably end up exchanging the pieces, which I preferred. They castle and I take the knight.
5. On move 7:
6. So after some horseplay (lol puns), we end up here:
7. I decide to move my knight to f6, they at last move their epawn, we trade pawns, and i move my knight out of danger. Also they attack my remaining bishop with a pawn storm, and I really wanted to keep my bishop on the a2-g7 diagonal. So I made the practiced moves for that. We ended up here on move 15:
8. It was at this point I had to do some longer thinking. The bishop moved to a weird spot. My knight is protected. Then I saw the x-ray if they use the d7 knight to assist. So I just moved my rook over to e1:
9. This looks like just a free piece. So I took it. A few moves later, on move 19:
10. and as you see:
11. So go figure. I can check and win a rook for a bishop/knight next turn.
12. A few moves later, on move 25:
13. My best guess is if I take my time, I can gobble up a lot of pawns with my two rooks, using the knight as a defensive piece. This clears the board and gives me a chance of getting more firepower if need be.
14. On move 27:
15. I didn't want to do anything fancy and bungle my way into a checkmate or stalemate. So I just pushed my gpawn to g4
16. From here I had to play accurately or might fall into some easy traps. Such as:
17. Checking with Ra8+ would be bad here. Cuz he could move his bishop to d8, robbing me of a chance to take the a5 pawn. So I took the a5 pawn first. The game ended in resignation here:
18. So that was a fun game. I had time to think, and I didnt feel rushed into blunders. The opponent let me gain space with my knights in the opening, then blundered at the start of the middlegame. Then it was sorta downhill for them from there.
19. They were much lower rated, but I will take this win as a win :)
Many thanks,