Road to 1500 (Day3, game3)
Game can be found here.
2. From here on move 9:
3. I thought it was a weird blunder, but thinking back, I think he was trying to rush a checkmate with his queen and knight. It sure felt that way afterwards.
4. Throughout the game I felt my pieces were uncoordinated and all jammed up. I didn't castle until move 16.
5. The game looks a lot better for me now. I was desperately low on time and felt the anger of another game lost through slow mindedness.
6. But I dunno. The opponent left the game :/
7. I wonder if I should play with more time on the clock.
8. I think I will continue to keep doing 3 games of 10 min rapid each day, then fill it out with other games as I feel like it.
9. shrug.