Road to 1500 (Day3, game1)
The game can be found here
2. Anyway, I guarded with my cpawn.
3. Nothing special happened until move 11:
4. I thought for a long time as I felt a trap being put around me. I finally decided to gamble with:
5. Then this happened on move 14:
6. Not actually a threat, cuz I can move my knight to f6 for check, then move my bishop away
7. Anyway, what I guess was a blunder on their part occurred on move 19:
8. Then commenced a battle for the dfile and efile. Here is move 22:
9. Then black pieces did something pretty careless, neglecting to see a potential checkmate from me
10. And the game is won by me
11. I'm still such a bad player similarly skilled players make very obvious blunders. sad face :( .