RNLI Penlee
Soils Limited
43 Years of Innovation and Excellence | Geotechnical & Environmental Consultants
Site Investigation Value:?£13,500
The ground investigation was to supply the client and their designers with information regarding ground conditions. In addition Soils Limited was to assist in preparing a foundation scheme for development that was appropriate to the settings present on the RNLI Penlee site. Works were complex due to drilling through a sea wall comprising granite rock and concrete, which was overlying very soft Marine Beach Deposits and a bedrock of the?Mylor Slate Formation.
What did Soils Limited bring to the table?
Works were undertaken whilst the RNLI station was open and active as was the busy fishing port of Newlyn. Site works comprised:
· 1No. Rotatory Borehole
· 4No. Windowless sampler Boreholes
· 2No. Monitoring well installations
· 5No. TRRL CBR tests
· 1No. Machine excavated trial hole
· Service tracing
· Geotechnical laboratory testing
· Chemical laboratory testing
A series of in-situ and laboratory tests were undertaken to inform pile and pavement design for the proposed structure including SPTs, CBR probes, Atterberg test, PSD and sulphate and chloride tests.
Recommendations were made for pile design, including preliminary working loads and concrete classification concerning sea waters (chloride) and sulphates. Advice on pavement design was also provided.
Penyelidik Bumi at Badan Geologi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia/ Earth Investigator at Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Republic of Indonesia
2 年Rotatory or rotary borehole?