Roddam Narasimha Anecdotes: "Out-of-Circulation"
This was yet another fine day in Bengaluru, sometime in 2013-14. Prof. Roddam Narasimha (RN) came to his JNCASR office at his usual time but there was something unusual. When I went to meet him in his office around noon, he was very busy. He had brought several book cartons from his home and was instructing his secretary what to do with them. When I asked him about the books, he just said: "I had several books from the library, so I thought I will?return them." He remained busy the?full day. His car went to his home, his IISc office several times to exchange several items.?
The next day, he started calling his students and postdocs one by one and asked about their progress-?what is the status of the thesis, if we need any specific support for research, any book, or material. He would also them about their applications and any references that need to be sent. He called me also and asked: "Rajesh, how is your thesis coming up?" Although I had stayed with him for more than 3 years, I was not prepared for this question. Normally he would ask- "So, what is the update?" or something?like- "Did you make the plots we discussed?" But today he called me and specifically asked me about my thesis. I do not remember?what I said but remember his advice- "See you have written your code and it's now giving good results. We have gotten access to supercomputers also, so you should run your simulations and try?finishing your?thesis as soon as I can."?
I came back and discussed with my batchmates and everyone agreed that RN's behavior was a bit different. That day in the evening he called one of his postdocs to his home and then later sent a reference letter for her late at night, much?before the deadline.?The very next day, RN did not come, instead came an email from his secretary- "Prof. Roddam Narasimha is out-of-circulation for the next few days."
We had seen this "out-of-circulation" email earlier. This was the RN's typical way of communicating that he is unavailable. This had happened a few months back when RN had returned from a foreign trip. He had developed serious back pain and doctors had advised him full bed rest for 10-15 days. That time he had gotten bored lying on the bed for several days and had called us his home after around 10 days. We had gone there and had a long chat with him while he was lying on the bed. He did want to get up several times but his wife and daughter would not allow him. Finally, when we were getting?back, he insisted that he will see us off till the door. We all insisted that please do not get up. But he did come behind us and said -"No no. I am fine. It does not look good that you are?leaving our home and I am not seeing you off properly."
This time the "out-of-circulation" email looked more serious given RN's unusual behavior in the last few days. Worried we asked Prof. Deshpande, who was RN's first Ph.D. student and has been a family friend to RN, to learn that RN had to undergo heart bypass surgery at Narayana Hrudayala?today. We kept asking different sources, including doctors at the hospitals, for updates?and finally learned that RN's surgery has been successful and he is recovering. It was a big relief but we wanted to meet him.?
In the meantime, a conference was organized in JNCASR and near the conference?hall, we met Bharat Ratna Prof. C N R Rao (JNCASR founder). He knew that we are RN's students, so he asked us how we are. We were looking a bit worried and spoke about RN's surgery. He smiled at us and said?emphatically - "Huh, that's why your faces are so sullen. There is nothing to worry about. Look at me, I had this surgery. Not once but twice. Rest assured, RN will come back?soon stronger."??Not sure if he was serious or wanted to cheer us up, but we felt better.
RN did come back stronger. In fact, he called all of us to the hospital after a few days. And we talked about several things over tea. RN kept talking about how good the nurses and doctors were at the hospital, and they took good care of him. RN's wife would stop him and ask him to speak a little less but RN had so much to?talk about. Learning that RN is not going to stop, we decided to leave the?place early so?that?he can take rest.?
I also?had to better prepare this time if RN asks me the same question again- "How is your thesis coming up?"
Project Scientist 'C' @ National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai. Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India????????, PhD(NIT-Rourkela), M.E.(BIT Mesra)
3 年love for the great RN sir
3 年Rajesh sir, I loved reading this. Thank you for sharing your experience about RN, a great mentor...