RMC March 17th lunch
Republican Men's Club
Tuesday March 17th - Atlantis Resort 11am doors open, Lunch served at 11:30 am
Speaker - Paul White is the co-Director and founder of QOL-Reno (Quality of Life) and Stronghold Institute A career educator, White's story of turning around the most troubled students in LA, was selected as one of the Top 5 Stories by PEOPLE Magazine.
Topic QOL's current areas of focus include: Reno's Homelessness and Law Enforcement issues, our Washoe County School District, and Reno's Financial situation, including the Business Improvement District (aka Downtown Reno Partners
Please sign up NOW at republicanmensclub.org
Lunch $25 for those registered if not add $5
Questions contact:
Roger Edwards at [email protected]
Ray Rocha at [email protected] --- if needed