

30 April 2022

What On Earth happened to April!!?

Rain, Rain, Rain, Floods, Devastation, Catastrophe in April. ?As we are reminded of the immense power of Water this month, we send our most sincere thoughts and heartfelt condolences to all the flood victims who suffered unthinkable losses during April’s flooding.

Much of the time we were unable to work due to the high water levels in the river, thus Hennops Revival did 11 clean-ups and removed 2?335 bags of waste from the Hennops River in Centurion.


We hosted our Earth Day Clean-up on 22 April, which was a HUGE success – 100 volunteers participated – The day was sponsored by AESwitch, who also provided cold drinks and lunch for all the volunteers, the donation received also allows for us to continue working – We are so grateful!

We had big groups of volunteers from AESwitch, Outsurance, Mars, Incorporated, Bluswirl provided onsite recycling and a team of sorters, The brand ambassador from SBS Tanks and the legendary Dean Wolf was our DJ and MC and our dear Sean Hide from Grow-a-Tree led the group in the Jerusalema dance!

Our Earth Day speakers; Cllr Ina Strijdom (ward 66), Lutske Newton (Office of the Executive Mayor), Benoit le Roy (SA Water Chamber), Lucien James (Wits University PhD student) and Tiaan Lombard (AESwitch) all emphasised the importance of Active Citizenship and playing a role in our community as individuals #earthdayeveryday

New and old faces from our community all joined in giving their time and energy for the sake of our planet! Outsurance brought incredible bird feeders and a number of our volunteers also contributed birdseed. Oasis sponsored our fresh drinking water, Italpac sponsored our refuse bags.?

Many thanks to the City of Tshwane for the work done prior to the clean-up, grass cutting, removal of debris and availing your resources in order to make days like this possible, as well as assisting us with transport of all our gear and equipment to and from the event, the collection of the waste bags and massive piles of branches that have been cut in order to open up the area and make it a safer space for the community!

The majority of the month’s clean-ups were paid for from the incredible donation from MOYO! These funds are unfortunately now depleted, but we are incredibly grateful to have been afforded the opportunity to serve our community for the better part of the past 2 months!

We have been unable to start with the repair work at the BrandIQ Litter Catchment System unfortunately there has just been too much rain in April, hopefully we can start with this soon and have it up and functioning as it should soon..

Once we are certain that the existing system is working again, and the rains have calmed down, we will install the Fortress Fund Litter Catchment System.

We continue to work with the MBA students from North West University Business School who have been of great help to Hennops Revival, assisting with their unique skillsets in order to help us grow and become more sustainable and professional.

Puzzelize puzzles have hit the PNA stores! PNA Greenstone Shopping Centre, PNA New Redruth Village, PNA Mall of the South, PNA Clearwater Mall.

Shell Hennops Park continues to sponsor us 140l of fuel or diesel per month! We are so grateful for this amazing contribution which allows us to create more work with the money we save from not having to pay for fuel!

We have been working together with SWPN on proposals to forge a very exciting and progressive partnership – I hope to share good news on this soon!

Our next community event will be on 5th June – World Environment Day, which will be held in collaboration with The Litterboom Project, Parley for the Oceans and Clicks! It’s a Sunday, and we will be cleaning up at Poly-Island! If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining – please share!

We were able to purchase new waders and additional tools, thanks to an anonymous donation we received and so much gratitude to All Out Angling for the special pricing given to us in aid of Our River!

And a surprise donation from the Protea Aftree Oord

Monthly donations of food parcels for the Hennops Revival crew supplied by The Mother’s Union at St. Martins Church Irene! This phenomenal ongoing support provides great relief for our team! Thank you so much!

A new video of our work was sponsored by SBS Tanks, #buildforbetter Initiative

We cannot give enough thanks for the support from our consistent monthly donors, who collectively make so much possible through your generosity!

We are extremely blessed to have each and every supporter on our side!?We are not just “going” to do this!?WE ARE DOING IT!!?It IS happening and YOU are right here with US!?

Hennops Family – We LOVE YOU!

Links to April News articles you may have missed:

Special Feature - The Citizen - Marizke Coetzer?????????????????Dedicated to Saving the River - Rekord - Johan Badenhorst

Earth Day – Rekord – Johan Badenhorst

Endless gratitude for your ongoing support!

All my best blessings

Tarryn Johnston


