Rituals/Self Discover "life hacks?"
Webster’s defines a life hack as “a simple and clever tip or technique for accomplishing some familiar task,†and it references this quote by Michael Koziol; “the best involve tricks that are free, efficient and stunningly obvious in retrospect.†Can RITUALS act as self discovery 'life hacks?'
This week we are going to talk about…you guessed it…RITUALS…and how we use them in our healing work. Ritual was a go-to healing tool in ancient wisdom, and we have discovered that they can also be used to hack your modern healing and manifestation work.
We talked a few weeks ago about having spiritual, as well as emotional and mental blocks in our lives; and that they are no less painful, and equally effective at sending our life sideways. They happen when we aren’t connected to, or living our life purpose. Or when we aren't manifesting what we need in our lives.
When we survive, but don’t heal from painful life experiences and traumas, our unhealed wounds create mental and emotional blocks in our psyche that keep us from knowing ourselves. Similarly, when we are discouraged from, or have setbacks, trying to live our passion, purpose and dreams, we have spiritual wounds that lodge in our soul/spirit, that also need to be healed.
Ritual isn't all woo-woo and mystical anymore... our RITUALS are designed to elevate practical, everyday actions...to break out of your routine...and into your awareness, where you can make the healing discoveries that seems ‘stunningly obvious in retrospect.’
How different would your life be, if you could find a way to more easily and efficiently break into your conscious awareness to manifest your healing?
Find out one way we use RITUAL for your modern healing: www.livingyourgifts.com/5-rituals-to-find-you