Rituals Of Lies And Failure (Death) vs. True Success (Life). Secret Supporter Of Treachery (Death)? Or Avid/Loyal Supporter Of Truth (Life)!
Jeffrey Carmenā PhD
Director Of Marketing/Finance, Senior Financial & Business Information Analyst
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your Birthday wishes and very kind words. Thank you all, so very much!
Secondly, Blessings to friends celebrating Yom Kippur. May your fasting and prayers be lifted up for all those who are, and will be, written in the "Lambs Book of Life".
Thirdly, I sincerely hope that my writings and insight will be a blessing, and witness to my friends, and others. For my writings were intended to be inclusive of all people, so thank you very much for your understanding and patience. I wish for all to seek our Creator, and Lord, and to do his will, and purpose, on earth, and to be saved in the Kingdom of God.
This article, sermon/lesson and message, deals with us humans doing good, to, and for each other, with the time we have allotted here on earth, no matter who you are. Thanks again, for your patience, understanding, and love.
The BMP Church?/Ministries "Biblical Motivation and Prophecy?" Church. Presented by BMP Int'L? (Bonus Money Products?, Int'L) P.O. Box 473, Rialto, CA 92377-0473 USA
(Liars/evil..that includes any dishonest, or deceitful actions. But take note, liars are placed next to murderers, thieves, idolaters, deceivers, etc., Rev. 21:8, 21:27, 22:15, Hebrews 13:4, I Timothy 1:10, John 8:44, Proverbs 19:9, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 5:5, Exodus 20:16, And Finally, I John 1:5-9, Gods Promise to all Believers.)
(Sermon/Lesson 55)
What type of ritual do followers of evil engage in to be so loyal (even over family members), to a person they did not know a few years ago? Even to the point of looking, talking and acting like they are possessed, and/or, have become human puppets, with someone making them do and say their bidding? Pulling their strings?
Like sheep and lambs led to the slaughter, and the blind leading the blind, into a pit, why do they follow without question, like the Pied Piper story??Are they blind to evil, or is it the love of money, popularity, false hope, false success, false happiness, greed, deceit, death and lying?
A group led by greedy, uncaring people who care nothing about their followers, only themselves, and laughing behind doors, and their backs, when those followers do their evil bidding?
What type of secret ritual does satan/evil people do to get followers to participate in? Or, was it hypnosis, hearing the lie over and over again until they believed? Or, just what it has always been from the beginning, satan/evil possessing people. This enemy is always at work to possess the uninformed with lies. And those who do as he does, are in agreement with their evil dad, satan, and has picked his side, and evil team.
Was it a blood cult ritual like other cults who want to control the followers at all costs, even to death?
Now they are calling these evil liars, Jesus, church leader, ministers, saviour and any other false blasphemous name against the True Lord God, when they are actually false gods, and working for satan, and evil.
Words against democracy, but for tyranny, hate, racism, and lies, these sympathizers, followers, deniers, supporters and those who have given up their own minds to something evil, untrue, and against humanity have proven them to be hypnotize, or possessed, with the love of lies.
The fake democracy of those who support evil are worst then those who see and support evil secretly. Those who applaud and rejoice in secret when they see evil things happening to others and pretending they are innocent of such crimes are in fact, just as guilty. Even those who benefit from the evil are guilty.
When you see evil done, and spoken of, and you choose to do nothing, you are an accomplice to that evil. If it bothers you, you hate it, you speak out against, and do something to defend those being hurt, or harmed, because the Lord will write that in your book(s).
Those who look the other way, or accept the evil, or benefit from it, their actions of acceptance of that evil, will be written down as well. You can not escape the judgement of thought, deeds, or actions of the heart. All things are recorded and will be judged, even those done in secret, in the heart/mind, or in the dark. When you realize, you have to stand before a judge that knows everything about you, you are exposed, and can not hide, lie, or pay your way to Freedom, and Life.
Do you believe in propaganda, hypocrisy and lies, that only certain people, or groups, deserve to live, and others do not?
That would be like one type of insect, flower, fruit, horse, dog, cat, fish, bird, car, seed, thought, etc., it would not only be insanity to think such things, it will never come to fruition, no matter what lie, or evil, a person thinks. Lying is always a losing battle, throughout history, and throughout all Eternity. Evil never changes, but will soon come to an end, as well as lies. Truth and Good, are the Victors in this story of Life, not evil and death.
Such a mind is polluted, lazy and sick, to believe in things without seeking truth to verify it, as well as them promoting such insanity, and lies, for others to believe in, is a form of schizophrenia, and those who believe, and follow them, seem to have a mental disease as well. satan wants you fooled, to death. (as you can see, I never capitalize satan.)
The magician, and/or illusionist, use their smoke screens, and mirrors, to fool the simple, and lie about the trick. It is still a trick, and the illusionist goes out of their way to hide the true facts, or their trick, magic, or illusion, are exposed to what it really is, a false reality.
There are those who love living in false realities, to escape true reality. Many people hurt and harm themselves, even children, because they realize they were lied to, and living in a false reality. It's an escape. Evil is an escape of truth by inventing lies. Super heroes are an escape into lies, fake wrestling is an escape with made up characters from death, and other worlds, and there are other escapes into lies, mysticism, created dark worlds, unknown dark practices, terrorism, etc.. satan is busy, keeping you busy, so that truth is harder to find.
It's alright for a person to have fun, and to be entertained, (even the Lord tells us not to allow anyone, or anything, to steal away your joy) but look beyond the surface of things, so that you, yourself, are not supporting harmful lies, unknowingly, and/or, playing in satans game, of deceit.
satan does all he can to keep the mind busy in floods of lies, to drown the truth. It takes work, and a fighting spirit, to combat evil, and lies. You will be rewarded in the end, but you can ask for strength from the Lord, now, because when you resist, he will flee, but be on your guard, he/satan/evil is an enemy, so you continue to fight the good fight of faith.
False gods, churches, beliefs, religions, worlds, planets, etc., even false saviors and Christs. The love of money, and riches, blinds people of the truth, therefore they can not serve the True God. They begin to serve their false gods, false theologies and beliefs, based on lies, because of blindness of the truth. Most church leaders are infected by the will to serve satan, and the world. They say, their church is entertaining, has the most fun, and members, and "god" is with them, only. What god? Not the One and Only, True GOD!
The one and only, True God, is not important to them anymore, they want to become celebrities, and acceptable to the world, not God, so they fake it, to get fake followers, who think they are going to the Church, but are in fact going to, and giving tithes to satans church, and being taught nonsense and lies, not the Truth of Jesus Christ, the true Church. Who then do you Tithe to, and/or, give offerings to? Who do you go to when your money/tithes are given to the enemy of God, with, or without you knowing?
Give to people who you know need it, look around, they should be easy to find, and give to, and support, as well as those who are not accepting lies as truth in their ministries. If you do it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Jesus. There's only a handful, and they may not be big ministries, in size, or, popular in the world either, but they teach the Word of Truth, the true Word of God. They don't hide behind hate, racism, terrorism, cults, political favors, greed, lies, satan, or deceit.
Like a Salmon swimming upstream, you have to fight against the current of lies and evil, or you will be carried down the stream, if you give in, or give up. A Salmon who won't fight the current, will never get to the protected area, the Kingdom of God, they will just drift down with the heavy current, and flood of lies.
Noah's Flood, water, today's flood, lies. Both can kill, or, you can be saved, in the Ark of Truth, the Word of God, Jesus.
Flooded with lies, that is where satan wants for them to be. He wants company in the Lake of Fire because of his hatred toward the one and only True God, and Creator, and those who are believers, and Children of God.
These evil followers believe in darkness, not days, evil, not good, lies, not truth, and satan, not God, or Jesus. Darkness is in their minds, and they spread that darkness to others who accept that darkness, and/or, lies.
They will one day see when the light of truth shines, that their darkness, was a lie all along, and that true light will expose the evil and darkness they believed in. The Light of Truth, is here, now, if they accept it.
Will they be embarrassed, and/or, ashamed of their evil ways when the light of truth shines? Or, will they continue to fight against God, and truth, for satan, in his army, who is their true god, and continue to protect evil, lies, and satan?
In-spite of them, and who they are, we are to press on to do good, spread truth against their lies, and to hold up humanity for the good for all who love justice, peace, truth, love and right standing.?What greater purpose is there for humans?
We must fight against their evil words, and lies, and carry a banner of righteousness with our good fight of faith, in God, goodness, and for all humans who love truth, and what is right, forever. Amen.
"I have a feeling, that we let our consciences realize, too late, the need of standing up against something that we knew was wrong.
We have therefore had to avenge it, but we did nothing to prevent it.
I hope that in the future, we are going to remember, that there can be no compromise, at any point, with the things that we know are wrong."
-Eleanor Roosevelt- (Her quote was against tyranny, fascism, evil, hate, lies, and propaganda.)
If we allow evil, lies, denial, false claims and the sickness of rotting minds against democracy, humanity and truth, and not fight against dictatorships, tyranny and hate, it will run rampant because of our laziness to fight against it when it presents itself, and no one, in the end, wins, not even those who spark the matches of lies and hate, for they will, themselves, become victims of their lies and evil beliefs, that they are too blind to see, now, today, but it will certainly end their present, and future, with destruction, and death.
The love of money, greed and deceit will surely have it's end. In that end, when it is all over, they will stand in the line of death, forever, not the life.
If you are a person, party, group, religion, country, etc., and hold on to such beliefs, no matter what race, color, gender or ethnicity you may be of, you have accepted hate, evil and lies, as your platform, then death, and torture, is, and surely will be, the final outcome for you. You can not escape it, or run from your final eternal destiny of death, ever. It is Written.
You have an opportunity to save yourself, and receiving true success, and life, by seeking, and choosing, the True Savior, not a lie.
Choose to do what is loving, good and right towards your fellow humans, now, on earth. Treating those in the goodness and love that you also wish to receive in this life.
Don't let your book(s) be opened to failure, death, and the Lake of Fire, because of the evil, and hateful things you've done. Everything you do is recorded, good, or bad. You will certainly and surely stand alone before the Judge of Truth, not as a group. The only group that will be gathered will be like weeds, for the Lake of Fire.
Let your book(s) be opened to gifts, rewards, and Eternal Life, for the good things you have done in the earth, for your love for God, and toward your fellow humans, so that your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life.
No human is above another, so let humans live in the respect, honor and image that God, the giver of life, has intended, and has given them.
In the end, if you are pleasing to the Lord, you will be saved, and have Life Eternal, with our Creator, Savior and LORD Jesus, in His Eternal Kingdom of Good, Truth, Joy and Love, forever. Amen.
Jeffrey Carmena PhD (BMP Church/Ministries, BMP Int'L)
BMP?Copyright2022 All Rights Reserved
Director Of Marketing/Finance, Senior Financial & Business Information Analyst
2 年Love the LORD God With All Your Heart, And Love Others, Like You Would Love Yourself! What Good Thing You Do Unto Others, You Have Done It To Jesus! Matthew 25:34-40.