The Rite of Holy Baptism
The Rite of Holy Baptism
MATTHEW 28:16–20
Matthew 28:19 (NASB)
19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus commanded that all members of the new covenant be baptized with water. What are some of the dimensions of this rite?
First of all, baptism signifies a person’s entrance into the visible new covenant community. There are, of course, people who are baptized into the visible church who are not really and finally saved, just as there were people circumcised into Israel who were not faithful to the old covenant.
Accordingly, baptism is also a sign of entrance into the kingdom of God. Baptism puts us into the visible expression of the kingdom, and symbolizes entrance into the invisible fullness of the kingdom.
Third, it is possible for people to be saved and yet not be baptized—though they should be. God commands us to join His church. To do that, we must be baptized. But it is possible to enter the kingdom by faith before entering the visible church by baptism. The reverse is also possible: to be baptized early in life and later come to saving faith.
Fourth, baptism represents cleansing. It summarizes all the purification rites of the Old Testament. The reality of cleansing from sin is by the blood of Christ applied to us, and this is symbolized by the application of water to us. Thus, baptism involves a confession of our sinfulness, since only defiled sinners need to be cleansed.
Fifth, water makes us new and clean. Just so, baptism represents (but does not confer) our new birth into the new life in Christ. We are born again by water and the Spirit.
Finally, cleansing and regeneration are parallel to death and resurrection. Baptism signifies our death in Jesus’ death and our resurrection to a new life in His resurrection. It symbolizes our acceptance of a call to join Christ in His humiliation, that we might also join Him in His exaltation.
CORAM DEO (Before the face of God)
Read Hebrews 9:13 and Hebrews 10:22. Now find Numbers 19. Note the relationship between death and resurrection, unclean and clean, and old covenant baptism. What does this chapter teach you about your new covenant baptism? How many times do you need to be baptized with “pure” water?
Romans 6:1–11;
1 Peter 3:13–22