Rita’s Monthly Journal ~ I think we get it all wrong...
★Rita Hyland★
Expert Leadership Coach︱Executive Life Strategist︱Creator of the Inside Out Method︱Podcaster
I think we get it all wrong. The question is not “what do I do next?” but “what is the life I want to live?”
I’ve been thinking a lot about the emphasis on goal setting at this time of year. Everywhere I look are magazines, emails, and advertisements all selling us on goal-setting.
It can be intoxicating to rush to a list of strategy, execution and achievement, but when we haven’t thought of the reason we’re doing what we’re doing, it falls short.
We need to go up to the 100th floor view -- not floor number three -- to create our ‘why’ for 2019.
But too often in our over-distracted, overstimulated and over-interrupted experience it can be easy to rush into writing a list of goals.
The list becomes a composition of “shoulds” and projects based on our logical next level or even worse — based on a past that no longer exists.
As a result, the goals are flat, lifeless and uninspiring.
Instead, take a top floor look at the vision of the life and world you are looking to bring into reality. The one that is in your wildest dreams.
Why are you in business or your career beyond self-interest?
What future are you looking forward to giving birth?
When you know this even the most impossible of tasks becomes easier.
Your reason for getting out of bed is clear.
Think about Malala, the young Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban on a school bus. The young activist is working to a future world where all young girls have the right to an education.
JFK had a the “impossible” vision to land someone on the moon, not because it was easy but because it was hard.
My mother began a small business once she retired where she reads to Seniors. She wants a world where Seniors rekindle their happy memories.
For me, the world I am looking to give birth to is where all men and women create the work and life they love.
In 2019, I want to push myself to experience things I would have said “no” to in the past. I want to stretch my comfort zone. I want to bet on myself and get out of my comfort zone.
This will require I return to my “why” and my vision of my future family, community, and world that I want to give birth to when I face struggles —which I’m bound to do.
So what about you??
What’s the future world you want to give birth to? What is the work that matters even after you’re gone?
Finish the following sentences...
The future I want to give birth to is…
The reason creating this is so important is…
When I get overwhelmed by what I am creating, I will remember that all my struggle is worth it because….
I know my goals will pull me when they’re driven by what matters most to me and the world after I’m gone.
There is something pretty epic I’ll be talking about this week. It’s the Playing Full Out Life and Leadership Transformational Group starting in just a couple weeks.
But before that—tomorrow—join me for lunch, and I’ll show you how that future you want to birth can be yours!
You have to sign up to join me for my “Re Wire Your Mind and Drop the-Grind" Workshop”.
It’s going to be a special year for you. I’m feeling it! Are you ready?
With love,
~ Rita
P.S. The kindest thing we can do is support those we love. Send this on to those you care about most!