Risks management on facing Former boss if you are under furlough risks

Risks management on facing Former boss if you are under furlough risks

The former boss who used religion festives to attack non believer/non baptized career/life/background by using GOD masks to attack both believer or non believer to changed talents' rice bowl away to their winning bowl.

1.Black Friday on 13/4

I was Fired on BLACK FRIDAY 13/4/2012, It is the discrimination on black skin colors.We all aware why we have carbon colors faces or skin color that was different/changed from our origin skin colors.The 13/4 black Friday is also signify us on how the former boss who used 13/4 to discriminate black skin colors and create differentiation between skin colors with black carbon skin burn to change our skin color to her competitive winning strategies in corporate jobs.

2.Background attacks

When i was at corporate ladders, former boss has spread rumors on she is the headmaster's children and i am from poor background.All null the differentiation between with jail background or without jail background,with title or without title.

3. Trespass privacy

I was being trespassed in pre-plan trip to attack personal privacy. Through this personal privacy attacks,it can damage our personal reputation and damage our health condition through water attack,Air Pollution/carbon or radiation air condition attack from the air or radioactive fruits attacks through church events or church hostel. This type of personal privacy trespassed can risks our rice bowl if we are staying with boy friend/husband.

4.Manipulative car park fine incidence with government agency

That we all have traffic incidence before. Same with everyone else i parked my car in front of restaurant at non car clamping zone. Many people are parking in front of the restaurant. However i was being disturbed by government agency who was not state government yet. I was rushing to send food for disable patient after he was discharged from Hospital Pantai. We paid fine but the person who have political influence has opened up the case by misguiding the disable patient to bring me to court without court notice.Which means any residence can be brought to court without following court procedure. When i was giving my grievances at court, the judge refuse to listen on my grievances because i have done court case reference similar to the lawyer who use past court case as reference case to explain.The judge disagree with my grievances and bash me up when i have working tools in my handbag and caused me injured bleeding in the court.

Clearly, the judge has fail to follow court procedures because she has interrupted victims while victims state their grievances and explain on victims actual damaged situations.Victims was terribly attacked evidently.

5.Venture in online advertisement was not in my profile before 13/4/2012 black friday

According to the face features, the person who opened up the court case after the traffic fine was settled with receipts. The person who opened up the court case has similar face to corporate human resources. They have pre-plan to create court case by disturbing employees who parked at non clamping zone and using their church coalition to misguided the victims to court case without court notice by changing the corporate staff from non jail background to jail background to end corporate staff's career/qualification earning ability because was sabotaged as intellectual property positions in MNC.Clearly, this is beyond tolerance to any corporate talents. Frankly, speaking now i venture to online service but it was never in any of my MNC working profile or it is not their intellectual property at all. Why are they still disturbing me. Beside, they disturb my company operations and also interrupted my works where they have power in their delegated jobs.

6.Chemical Spray/Medicated spray is risky to corporate environment

Former boss has sent her church coalition to disturb our context with chemical spray and medicated spray such as antibiotics,steroids, anesthesia to create memory lost in recipes to disturb finance. All those spray occurred in church and in front of bank and in the stairs or at dusbin near windows.

She has cloned my phone numbers with intention to create criminal manipulation in finance or banking matters.When i switched on my mobile phone. The clones look similar appeared next to me to confused people from original or clones.The clones has freedom to manipulate or scratch our personal profile in our banking matters.

How i knew this, when i walked to get my replacement sim card after i reported to police on my sim card loss or mobile device lost, the former boss family coalition appeared at the police station when i reported on my phone Vivo V7+ phone lost. Then, i walked to get the replacement sim cards. The clones appeared to get phone cards appeared in front of me.They are former boss face features.

7. Church festive

The former boss has unique behaviors in using church festive to disturb non believer or non baptized members or demote baptized members

They have crated jail incidence on 31/10/2017 which is the Halloween Eve festival. They have planned this attack for their Halloween birthday celebration.Can you imagine they tortured corporate staff by using Halloween festive to send corporate staff to jail to disturb or scratched corporate staff career reputation. Many victims were locked in side the jail were the corporate staff. Clearly this is religion bias attacked but bias to Halloween girls winning.

Currently, they are planning to attack to remove my ACCA title for their Halloween girls Birthday celebration again and trying to create bankruptcy problems.

Suddenly, i thought, is this how the christian country manage their country.I have a common question to all countries on what do they expect to this type of governments powers who disturb the former staffs or employees because of conflict of interest in company ownership or positions.

I supposed to have insurance claim but they tried to disturb or take away the benefits with colons and in fact, the original former accountant didn't have the compensation.

8.Politic/ Professional coalition are used to attack former employees' title

The former boss has used her coalition in politics and her coalition in professional bodies to attack former corporate staff in order to disturb her education background and stop her to have earning ability and stop her financial support by tie up/ closure in business to ruin financial supports.

We have invested in education for future return not to be ruined by the jealousy boss who has influencing powers in politics and education company. Our parents has lost their business while i was pursuing the ACCA course because of background challenged and play by his employees in shortage employees. Our hard earn investment in education is thousands over thousands.While our parents & family attended the ACCA prize winner with life risks we attended the graduation ceremony whom were nearly blasts to death next to the London train station.

Can you imagine today this is the expectation on how they rob the former accountant hard work after former accountant was fired by their religion bias discrimination and also wanted to removed title because of the court case which was created by the church coalition whom have conflict of interest in my works or my ownership. I was surviving with minimal budget to form the company and maintain my own establishment. What the former boss coalition did was spraying chemical to delay our performances,modified air condition to carbon release/ modify air conditional which has radiation release as weapons through external air condition infrastructure. They also selling the car which has carbon release from the internal car air condition to damage our skin.

9.Former boss send church coalition to be our neighbors repeatedly to create BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS

Former boss has sent her church coalition from Sabah to pretend to be neighbors or appearing in the church to disturb the context and resulted broken relationships or sabotage relationships repeatedly. They have used their connection to personal attack to he former employees home whom are with their unique body shape and face features.

By looking at the recurring attack incidences,they have used alcohol to damage our internal organ to manipulate our health to internal organ damage. They use radiation to harm our health and create stupid dump brain. Through analogy a person with prize winners who was with 100% marks in calculation and was very obedience during school s time became damn stupid is not logic,correct? By spraying anesthesia at stair to create memory dump. Is this what we expected as former employees?How much shall we be compensated by COMPARING the BEFORE and AFTER damaged conditions. In what sort of tortured that she has lost her patience to raise voice to speak up to seek attention to get HELP.

My questions to EVERY HUMAN JUDGES on EARTH:-

1.Do we agree on this is the christian boss BEST PRACTICE ON EARTH to disturb former employees' & employee's family future???

2.Do we agree this is how they should change innocent skin colors and tortured/discriminate them by skin colors/background differentiation in loosing VIP POSTS. Open our eyes, looking at faces features we knew who we were but we have unrecoverable skin colors changed from our origin and unrecoverable background hardship challenges.

3.Do we agree the former boss can damage our background by manipulating our personal relationships and ruin our personal achievement after a few years of getting little salary from the corporate hiring.Do we expect loosing our future earning ability and having shameful broken home after working for the former christian boss who used religion festive to attack employees or former employees. Is the the BEST PRACTICE Corporate management???

4.Do we expect all christian boss learn from this unique harmful brain dump/health dump attacks their former employees or employees just to keep the former boss as the BEST selected boss because we are dumped by their actions.

5.Do we expect all christian boss to learn to use christian festive to hunt down talents for their Halloween girls birthday celebration on 31/10 to jail others employees/former employees as Halloween birthday celebration gifts? OR Fire the black category skein on BLACK skin categories staffs?

6.Do we expect the former christian boss to use their political coalition powers/ professional coalitions powers to create disturbance court case and add on challenges to any employees or former employees to delay their personal achievement journey and crashed their personal confidence with the negative input or emotionally challenged her life and having ladies beauty context show on which is the best option to change the relationship to create emotional challenge and health changing results.

Example the corporate human resource has connection in politics they use their politics coalition to disturb employees by clamping car clamp incidence on corporate employees to delay her time to work and later use reopen the traffic fine to manipulate to criminal case by misguiding former employees to court without court notice and bashing up the corporate staffs at the court by stopping corporate to state her grievances on the former post life challenged. After bashed up and send to jail by shaming her body and humiliated her body.

If the former boss was working at previous company has her connection and she get her coalition to hire the former employees and disturb her performance in her new jobs and send her to another country to work and check her personal PR and disturb her PR by discontinue her insurance coverage and scratch her profile again and again.

7.As former employees do we expect former christian boss to rob our company ownership through creating personal debt through education title? Beside they have used their coalition in professional body to send threatening letters to former employees who are struggling after sudden lost of jobs and sudden lost of families supports and trying to create earning opportunities from her new venture in business. The former boss has used her connection to disturb the email accounts and communications. Do we expect the former boss who used her coalition to create court case and use court case investigation in professional bodies to create personal debt to members by putting Professional court case investigation charges which is the professional company's operation cost to be manipulated to members' memberships fees as debts? Do we agree with these type of former boss who are in powers to disturb to all the former employees/employees in corporate because they wanted to proof that they are the BEST options.


How do we know this, logically, who has the powers to use the General Electric lori or Lafarga lori and Air condition cars with ladders and the skylift truck to enter to our roof top to disturb water and air or disturb air conditional?

Why are former boss faces appeared during the night to dig the water pipe systems while we were at deep sleep early in the morning?

Why are the former boss faces appeared at our context to video clip us at our residential and working place?

Why clones appeared immediately when i turn on my mobile numbers?

Why our email communication are disturbed?

Why are we having different skin colors by comparing to before?

Why are we having the same problems in the same context?

Why our working performance are slow in comparison to before?

Why our business are unable to perform to our highest potential profitable results?

Why they want to create clone to confuse all the people?

Why they want to harm originals?


We are NOT DISCRIMINATORS but why are the Halloween DISCRIMINATORS starts using CHURCH FESTIVE seasons to attack those who are not Halloween girls in their health/career/relationships matters/changing background/changing identities.

Bearing in MIND, one attack on 13/4/2012, second attack on 31/10/2017 and now is toward October 2020 on title attacks.How many years we wanted to be wasted by these groups of Halloween girls who attack anyone which they JEALOUS on. We don't expect their created breed to disturb whoever they jealous on through their delegated job authority or disturb any customers who bought their water filters or air conditions which then be modified to radioactive release or carbon release equipment.

In this world, if anyone who are damaged one sided by the similar personal attacks from Halloween Girls until loosing all what she/he had if we are not angry we are not HUMAN.In addition they have damaged our properties,relationships,health and finance just to proof they are the best.

The difference between winners against losers are the one who know who we were and trying to foe us from our born to change to our end and plan some difficult background to foe our future generations and our selves and suffer on their shoes because they have replaced our origins.

If we were the investors in education who used our hard earn money to pay for the education .After completed we spent our time at works. Finally, we realized we were being discriminated in the education because of sir name or races or religions but we were spending the money to invest in those educations. As the education investors what would you feel to these title removal attacks because of our background.


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