For the Risk Takers & 4-week Recap
Sheldon Barrocks
Unlocking the Synergies between Workplace Trends and a Thriving Career | Author of Unstuck Mondays | Host of "Smile, It's Monday Podcast" | Supplier I&D and Sustainability @ Mars | Award Winning Logistics Professional
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. "— T.S. Eliot.
There will come a time in your professional career when you will desire more. That 'more' can look differently for everyone. It can come in the form of better compensation, a more challenging position, another company, or an entirely new line of work.
This journey is often a lonely one and there’s no exact blueprint in order to get to your desired destination.?
But advancement and promotion usually come to those brave enough to venture into uncharted territory with a willingness to fail, to look weak, to feel inadequate and ill prepared. It can also be a sign to the decision makers that you’re committed to growing and increasing your value to the organization.
When you have aspirations to change or ascend, you'll ultimately get questioned on your motives, and maybe even your intelligence. Understand it's part of the process. Personal and professional elevation has never been easy, and for good reason. It allows us to appreciate the destination even more.
When we continually open ourselves to learn, grow and discover a world beyond the knowledge we currently have, we are saying yes to a richer experience in our work and careers.
-Sheldon B.
Enjoy you 4-week recap and a special word from me at the end!
Week 30
Key Concept: Foundational Regrets is when we experience a negative emotion caused by missed opportunities due to not investing enough time or effort into foundational areas in our lives like health, education, and finances.?
Practical Step: Recognize that setbacks are a natural part of life and we should use the emotion of foundational regret as a learning opportunity instead of falling prey to discouragement.
Week 31
Key Concept: Boldness Regret is when we look back over time and regret not taking a big risk and doing something significant. We stop ourselves because of what we see as perceived limitations in our life.?
Practical Step: When we’re bold enough to take that first step, we can stretch our limits through new and unfamiliar situations and strengthen our brain's ability and capacity to learn. From there, we begin to acquire new skills, broaden our knowledge, and grow our creative thinking.
Week 32
Key Concept: Moral Regrets touch us all because to make a mistake and feel bad about it makes us human. It can lead to emotional discomfort in other areas of our lives, like our daily work.
Practical Step: Building personal resilience can help us learn from our failures, and? is just as important as making amends for the initial mistake.?
Week 33
Key Concept: A Connection Regret is when we regret not maintaining a relationship connection. We lose touch. We don’t apologize when we should. We let important things go unsaid because we’re afraid it will be awkward. We say things like, “If only I had reached out” or “I wish I had kept in touch more often.”
Practical Step: Close relationships and meaningful connections are what keep us happy and enrich and satisfy our lives. Start by pushing past your awkwardness and reach out by instant message, text, email, or phone call. Time is limited and we may not have another opportunity to connect with meaningful people in our lives.
Live and Engaging Speakers!
Are you looking to energize and elevate your teams’ full potential? We can help!
My life partner Kamshuka and I are speakers dedicated to empowering individuals and teams across various industries through a diverse range of topics focused on career wellbeing, wellness and holistic personal development. Our talks offer insights into understanding and managing emotions, building healthy relationships, and fostering empathetic communication within teams and organizations.
Kamshuka is an author, certified wellness coach and mindfulness practitioner. She often speaks to organizations, schools and community groups, bringing a unique perspective to career wellbeing and personal wellness, emphasizing the importance of maintaining work-life harmony. With a deep understanding of the modern workplace, Kamshuka's sessions provide actionable strategies for reducing stress, enhancing productivity, and fostering a positive mental attitude.
Sheldon Barrocks is passionate about career growth and helping teams find joy in their work. His engaging presentations inspire professionals to unleash their full potential by creating purposeful career goals and encourage leaders to build a culture that inspires for organizational success.
From cultivating strong leadership skills to building personal and professional wellbeing. we’re dedicated to equipping your teams with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving career landscape, leading to organizational excellence.
Book an initial call today to inquire more! [email protected]
Sheldon Barrocks is an author, freelance writer and Award-winning Supply Chain professional. Since 2010 he's published articles covering business and career advancement, and has provided creative solutions for major brands like Mars, Kelloggs, General Mills, Conagra, B&G Foods, Ingredion, Henkel and more. Check out his book Unstuck Mondays and join his mailing list to level up in your creativity and career!