Risk Management Strategies
After identification, the risks are assessed qualitatively and quantitatively. The next step in the process is risk management. Risk management strategies typically include following actions that can be employed to manage the risks. They basically aim at minimising the likelihood of risks occurring and reducing their potential negative consequences. ?
Implementing a combination of these methodologies, tailored to the specific risks and context of the activity, is usually the most effective approach.
Managing Health and Safety Risks
Health and safety risks are dealt with by adopting ERIC approach. It is briefly explained in the following table:
Managing Programme and Outturn Cost Risks:
Programme and outturn cost risks are managed with the following tools:
These tools are explained in detail below:
Early Warning Notices:
The Contractor and the Project Manger give an early warning by notifying the other as soon as either becomes aware of any matter which could:
The Project Manager enters early warning matters in the Risk Register. Early warning of a matter that has already been notified as a claim for money and time does not need to be notified as a separate early warning. The Project Manager or the Contractor may instruct the other to attend a risk reduction meeting. In the risk reduction meeting, each may instruct other people to attend if the other agrees. This could include instructing the Employer, other consultants, other contractors and any of the sub-contractors to attend.
At risk reduction meetings, the attendees co-operate in making and considering proposals for how the effect of the registered risks can be avoided or reduced. The solutions are sought, and decisions are made on actions and who would take them. The risks which have already been avoided or passed can be removed from the risk register.
The Project Manager revises the Risk Register to record the decisions made at a risk reduction meeting and issues the revised Risk Register to the Contractor. If a decision made at a risk reduction meeting needs a change to the Specification/Employer’s requirements, the Project Manager issues a variation at the same time as he issues the revised Risk Register to the Contractor. The Project Manager gives an instruction as a variation in accordance with contract. The variation mechanism and the valuation rules in the contracts would apply to the variation.
The EWN process works well, if each and every contractor, consultant and supplier have the same mechanism in its contract in order for the risks to be notified up and down the supply chain. The Contractor should have these mechanisms in its supply chain contracts otherwise the Contractor will never know (until it is too late) the risks faced by its supply chain or have any chance to help reduce or avoid risks. The EWN should not be seen as a pre-cursor to claims but a process for managing risk during the project lifecycle.
The intention of a detailed program is to:
The program is an important document for the management of works and as a reporting tool on the progress of the works. The program should indicate float, time risk allowance and terminal float.
The Contractor shall submit a detailed time program to the Employer within 28 days after receiving the notice to proceed. The Contractor shall also submit a revised program whenever the previous program is inconsistent tithe actual progress or with the Contractor’s obligation. Each program shall include:
Target Cost Arrangements + Pain/Gain Mechanism:
It is commonly used on complex infrastructure projects, where the parties share the price risk through the pain / gain share mechanism. The Contractor is financially rewarded and effectively incentivised to find saving on high-risk project. If the Contractor is incentivised to generate savings (and the savings are split equally under the pain / gain share mechanism) then the employer will also save money.
Typically, under the target cost contract the Contractor is paid his actual costs to execute the works until such time as the pain/gain share is calculated at the end of the project. The actual cost will consist, namely, staff and labour resources, plant, material, equipment, preliminaries, other pre-defined costs (utility costs, licence costs, import costs to name a few) and a fee (to cover the Contractor’s profit).
The fee element may be a fixed fee or a variable fee. If the fee is treated as a fixed fee (this will be adjusted in the same way as the contract price (i.e., the target cost) as the fee is fixed to the duration of the Program.
If the fee is variable, this is a percentage against the actual costs. Typically, Employers do not like fees which are variable as it encourages the Contractor to increase its actual costs as this will in turn increase its fee entitlement. This is more likely to be the situation if the target cost is unrealistic.
FIDIC do not publish a form of target cost contract. Therefore, conditions of contract would need to be bespoke to deal with this type of arrangement.
The advantages of target cost arrangements are:
The disadvantages of target cost arrangements are:
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
KPIs are frequently used in an attempt to incentivise the Contractor as opposed to penalising the contract through sanctions in the contract. We see incentive schedules being developed to focus on the objectives of the Employer to include:
A contractor may want to consider the impact on the KPIs (especially where there is a date and payment attached to it for meeting it) where:
Monthly Progress Reports:?
Following consideration should be given in the preparation of monthly progress reports:
The reports cover:
Executive matters included are:
Besides, scheduled performance and cost performance indicators are included in the reports.
Supply Chain Management:
It includes: