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The Ibex stood watching the sky turning dark grey. The weather was turning into the snow zone again. The Ibex had survived 5 such winters. It knew, to survive, the time to conserve for the next few months has come again. It had to hunt for whatever food could be eaten and then save the precious energy to fight the vagaries of existence. Looking out, the Ibex walked from its resting position and climbed atop a cliff where patches of grass were about to be crushed by the snow's volumes.
The furry Red Fox also saw the weather turning turtle. It stretched it's limbs and glided out of its sanctuary to hunt for food that would only get scarce from now on. The large snow flakes were fast turning the mountains into white grounds. The animal knew, mistakes can be lethal.
The Snow Leopard had to make an effort to stretch it's limbs. He was now into its winter years and the body did not respond to his desires. He was the King of the Mountains in its prime and had outlived many of his contemporaries. Hardly did he know that his species numbers were dwindled and they would be extinct as glaciers receded. He must find food today to keep his blood stream running.
The Ibex was grazing from patch to patch. Little did he realize that the old Snow Leopard was slowly cutting across and cordoning off the escape routes. The old hazy eyes were making the distance calculations tricky but this was the survival point today.
The Red Fox had also seen the Ibis but it waited in a quiet crevice as it smelt the Snow Leopard's movement. It did not want to get entangled and waited for its moment.
The Ibex heard a stone move which alerted it. Turning its head, his eyes saw the Snow Leopard crouching to snap at him. It was at the?edge of the cliff and lost its balance. Even as the Snow Leopard tried to hold the Ibex neck, the heavy animal was falling off the cliff into a freezing river gushing 200 feet down. The Ibex fell over and crashed into the river side. It's life was over even as the Snow Leopard and the Red Fox watched the event from their vantage points.
The Snow Leopard trudged towards the river and now he was not worried as stones made noises. Reaching down, it saw the Ibex fur getting wet due to rivers flow. The work was more now and the Leopard had to move the big animal out of the stream's flow. It was by no means an easy adventure! The Leopard dug it's teeth into the Ibex body and pulled with all its strength. The water was fast capturing the Ibex fur and clinging onto the body making it heavier by the second.?
The Leopard decided to first savor the Ibex and began devouring. The Sun had broken out somewhere ahead and was melting the snow. The river was in its spate as the snow melted. The Leopard wished if his partner was still with him. They both would have combined to pull the prey to safety and would have ensured sustenance. Unfortunately, the dead Ibex was freezing and it's fur was dripping wet with each passing moment. The Snow Leopard filled it's appetite and retreated from the freezing river water.
The Red Fox watched from a distance as the Leopard melted away behind a rocky cavern. It moved in fast and hopped across stones to have a go at the Ibex meat. It filled it's stomach even as the Ibis continued to stiffen. Not standing a chance to pull the Ibex away from the frothing river, the Red Fox also retreated into safety yet keeping an eye on the proceedings.
The Leopard returned multiple times but only grew weaker in its attempt to pull the body. Eventually, it gave up the battle and his old body was not on his side. The Red Fox also retreated to keep balance energy safe. The snow blizzard had begun with ferocity and the food chain was drying up for the living beings. The survival would have to be managed with precision.
The Snow Leopard did not survive the winter. The winter sapped it's meagre energy and life sapped out. One more number had become less and it was a lonely end with none of his clan nearby him. The Red Fox conserved it's energy and waited for an opportunity to fill it's energy needs. The fasts were more than the occasional food breaks. The Fox longed to see the black mountains yet again. The carcass of the Ibex eroded bit by bit till one day there was no trace of it in the river.?
Life comes with its own twists and turns. Unpredictability awaits at every instant. Such is the ferocity of turn of events that it can shake the very root of belief. Possibly, the only method is to face the adversity with whatever resources can be deployed. As the fog engulfs, maintain a course and keep moving. There would be light at the end of the fog's envelope.?
It is a risk to live and to live one has to take the risk! Find that food chain, find that opportunity, find that will to keep up the fight and find that faith to keep going against all odds. If the end comes, do not look back dejected for that half effort or for that dead will! Go at it and let the risk of life face the courage inside you. Do you have it, eh!
COMMANDER ARUN JYOTI,psc you should take up writing travelogues regularly and professionally! Your stories are impactful!!