Rising up from the Ashes
Springbrook QLD, Australia. Photo by Annette Parker

Rising up from the Ashes

  “And when all that was left was ashes, she would again clothe herself in flame. Rising from the dust of her past to rekindle the spark of her future. She was a Phoenix, her own salvation; rebirthed, renewed, resurrected.” — LaRhonda Toreson

Seems an ironic title given that the beautiful state I live in is burning up around me as I write. However, the phoenix represents the strength and resilience that I have witnessed in the past week in my local community and further afield. It has astounded me. The courage and compassion shown by the people impacted by such devastating fires has proved yet again, the ultimate power of people pulling together and having faith.

Not only can we rise above adversity, we have the ability to gain momentum and find our core emotional strength when we are challenged after hitting rock bottom. I see many individuals focused on being happy all of the time without contemplating what inner turmoil has to teach us. This past week has highlighted what it is to be vulnerable in the face of an overpowering force, and how to rise above our own egos. I am certain that the events of the last few weeks worldwide have taught those of us willing to listen that we have a mission greater than ourselves and that our true purpose is to live in harmony, to let people rise to their own true purpose in their own time, in whatever circumstance.

Living a positive existence does not mean we will always float through life. We might have to cultivate patience and wait until the storm passes. We have to ensure that a setback does not mean an excuse to slack off or lay blame. Although I’m guilty of this (we are human after all) I try to be aware of what is going on within. I stand by my belief that utilising daily rituals and activities can get me through a lull in momentum. When I allow myself to slack off, things start to overwhelm me. Even though chaos can ensue around and within, I will commit to stay focused by correcting the following simple habits that I'd like to share.


  • Engaging in that which eats at your soul. You know what I mean.
  • Giving your power away to ideals or values that serve no greater good. This includes family and friends.
  • Trying to be anything but authentic. Just be you!
  • Believing the lies that are fed to you through the media and other sources. You are enough and you are worth it!
  • Blaming circumstance for where your head is at in your immediate surroundings.


  • Taking responsibility for your current predicament.
  • Thinking about where you can improve without asking others to pick up your slack.
  • Giving yourself and others a break. Think before you speak.
  • Taking steps to rectify damage done. Little steps are fine. Just move forward.
  • Monitoring judgements about ourselves or others that are not conducive to good health.
  • Practicing gratitude each day. It is a super powerful antidote to the negative spirals we spin in our mind.
  • Set up a morning ritual. It can be simple (5 affirmations or some stretchy good feeling yoga). Build on it.
  • Research, read and regurgitate. Repeat Daily. Follow an inspirational person online or read books.

Simply put. You are only as good as the food you feed your soul. In the midst of mayhem, find the gold nuggets. Focus on the heroes and the incredible strength shown by ordinary people. Motive does matter. Find out why you do what you do and whether it helps you be a better person, inspire others, or achieve your aspirations.

We can never know our own power until we are pushed beyond our perceived limits. We can only guess at the hidden potential we have within us all. When you’re at the bottom it feels hard to rise up but we can witness others less fortunate doing it every day. There really are no excuses that can hold you back from being a better version of you.

Just carve it up and take flight.

~ Annette ~


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