Rising Strong
Saloni Lad
Msc Occupational and Business Psychology| BA Psychology Honours | PGDip- School and counseling psychology Research and Project Management Assistant - EDI Kingston Business School
We are all too frequently caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Individuals and collectives both face setbacks, and resilience is an important idea in explaining why some entities positively adjust (i.e., bounce back) or even emerge stronger (i.e., bounce beyond), while others suffer, sometimes permanently. Setbacks can be anything that causes you to pause or take a step backward. Something that may obstruct your ability to make the development you seek. They can be disappointments or failures, but you can utilize them as a comeback if you perceive them as a positive gift, which isn't always easy to accomplish.
When we examine some of the situations that keep us rooted in one place, we must consider whether they are the result of something we have done or something we haven't done. For example, a setback can result from where we live or where we were born, and while it may not be our fault, we are sometimes victims of our circumstances. If we look at the issue objectively, however, every setback is actually an opportunity to have a huge impact on ourselves and our surrounds. Our ability to adapt and bounce back when things don't go as planned is referred to as resilience. You acknowledge, learn, and go forward if you are resilient.
Why Set backs are important?
After dealing with a setback or a sense of failure, getting back up and trying a difficult endeavor is never simple. Whether it's failing a test or being passed up for a promotion, being confronted with the prospect of failure may leave a sour taste in your mouth. Setbacks provide you with the opportunity to develop resilience and learn new approaches to a problem. Consider setbacks as vital milestones toward your ultimate objectives. However, a number of notable leaders believe that dealing with a setback, rejection, or full failure is a vital life lesson for young people. If we pay attention to setbacks, they are significant. They give us hints that things aren't working—either because of things we do or don't do, or because of developments that are beyond our control yet have an effect on us. We all experience setbacks–we miss opportunities, we don't perform as well as we once did. Management will always be on our backs. We ignore them far too often, we don't study them, we don't try to understand and learn from them. We try to escape them by getting a new job with a different firm and continue to do the same things until the setbacks return.
What’s the Meaning of Bouncing Back?
When we are faced with loss, defeat, or failure, we “bounce back,” rather of sulking or allowing things to drag us down, we get back up and carry on with our life. It's "the process of adjusting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or severe causes of stress," according to the APA Help Center (APA Help Center, n.d.). When someone is involved in a horrific vehicle accident and suffers serious injuries, they may be said to bounce back, but they must remain cheerful and optimistic throughout their physical rehabilitation journey.
What is resilience?
Resilience is a term used by psychologists to describe those who remain calm in the face of adversity. Resilient people are able to cope and recover from crises and challenges by utilising their abilities and strengths. These problems may include: Job loss, financial problems, Illness, Natural disasters, Medical emergencies, Divorce, Death of a loved one.
Rather than succumbing to despair or avoiding problems through unhealthy coping mechanisms, resilient people confront life's challenges head-on. Those who do not have this resilience may be overwhelmed by such events. They may obsess over problems and rely on unhealthy coping techniques to deal with life's difficulties. They may be driven to unhealthy, destructive, or even dangerous activities as a result of disappointment or failure. These people recover from setbacks more slowly and may experience more psychological pain as a result.
Resilience isn't about gliding through life on a cloud or gliding over all of life's challenges uninjured; rather, it's about keeping on target, cheerful, and high-functioning despite all of life's bad, tough, and distressing events. Developing resilience, in fact, necessitates emotional discomfort. We would never learn how to deal with disappointment if we never encountered it in the first place.
When you think about it than that, it's clear that we all have some fairly incredible resilience. Some of us are more resilient than others, but we've all been knocked down, defeated, and disheartened at some point in our lives. Despite this, we persevered, and here we are today, stronger and wiser.
Why is resilience important?
As we all know, finding our equilibrium, swimming against the tide, or recovering and regaining stability may be quite difficult when we are in a vulnerable position where things seem to be getting worse. Resilience is important for several reasons: it allows us to develop protective mechanisms against potentially overwhelming experiences, it assists us in maintaining balance in our lives during difficult or stressful times, and it can also protect us from developing mental health difficulties and issues.
How to Build Resilience?
It's not easy for anyone to get through grief and disappointment without allowing them to overwhelm them. However, studies are beginning to learn what more resilient people do to emotionally and mentally recover from a loved one's death, a job loss, chronic or severe sickness, or another setback. They may be able to help others become more resilient as a result of what they've learnt. Do you, for example, blame personal and professional setbacks completely on your own incompetence, or can you identify specific and transient contributing factors? Do you expect a perfect run, or can you accept that life is a mix of triumphs and losses? The latter trait has been linked to higher levels of resilience in each situation.
Ways to Build Your Resilience
1) Believe in Your Abilities –
Having faith in your own abilities to deal with life's pressures can help you become more resilient. Increasing your self-confidence, especially your capacity to respond to and deal with a crisis, is a terrific strategy to build future resilience. Keep an ear out for negative thoughts in your head. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones, such as "I can do this," "I'm a terrific friend/mother/partner," or "I'm good at my job," as soon as you hear them.
2) Develop Problem-Solving Skills –
People who can think of solutions to difficulties are better able to deal with problems than those who can't. Make a quick list of some of the several ways you could tackle the problem whenever you face a new situation. You will be better equipped to deal with a major difficulty if you regularly practice your problem-solving skills.
3) Establish Goals –
Situations of crisis can be frightening. They could even appear to be insurmountable. Resilient people are able to assess these situations realistically and make achievable goals to address the issue.
Take a step back when you're feeling overwhelmed by a scenario and simply analyses what's in front of you. Make a list of potential solutions and then break them down into little steps.
4) Take Action –
Waiting for a problem to go away on its own simply makes the situation worse. Instead, get to work on correcting the problem right now. While there may not be a quick or simple solution, you may take measures to improve and lessen the tension in your position. Instead of getting disheartened by the quantity of work that still needs to be done, focus on the progress you've achieved thus far and preparing your next steps. Working on solutions actively will also make you feel more in control. Rather than waiting for things to happen, being proactive allows you to contribute to the fulfillment of your objectives.
5) Keep Working on Your Skills –
Don't give up if you're still having trouble dealing with difficult situations; resilience takes time to develop. It is possible for everyone to learn to be resilient, and it does not require any special behaviors or acts. The level of resilience varies greatly from one person to the next.
Concentrate on honing these talents, as well as the typical traits of resilient people, while also remembering to capitalize on your existing assets.
6) Nurture Yourself –
When you're anxious, it's all too easy to forget about yourself. A common reaction to a crisis situation is to lose your appetite, ignore exercise, and not get enough sleep. Instead, even when you're distressed, concentrate on improving your self-nurturance skills. Make time for your favorite activities.
How can I be more resilient in a crisis?
Any catastrophe, such as the coronavirus pandemic, can put people's willpower to the test. Getting help and emotional support from loved ones, enhancing self-care, and focusing on the components of the circumstance that are under your control will all help you weather practically any storm.
What would you do if you had to start over?
We will all face times in our lives when expectations grow or we are confronted with anguish or trauma, and we will struggle to manage. However, by learning about ourselves and recognizing what we can and cannot handle, we will be able to devise tactics that will enable us to become resilient, to face challenges head on, and to be confident in our ability to handle them. This is a process like any other, and it does not happen by itself, but every one of us has power and guts we didn't realize we possessed. You get up and keep moving forward. You're not going to fall apart. You can't let yourself think like that. You must be willing to go to any length to further your cause. It is possible that a disaster will occur, and it most likely will. Make yourself ready for it. Take precautions to avoid it. Everything happens for a reason in life. When you are confronted with difficulty (large or small), it can completely catch you off guard because you were not expecting it. You don't have to quit up and accept defeat just because you've been pounded around or pushed down. Accept the fact that it occurred. Get back on your feet. Recover your composure and try again. People should not be disappointed if they receive a negative response; it simply indicates that they will need to work harder or in a different way to improve their skill set so that they are much more competitive when they are considered for the next role or opportunity. While setbacks are inconvenient, they are a necessary part of life. They serve as wake-up calls, alerting us to the fact that something is wrong and encouraging us to take action. Setbacks come to everyone–possibly it's that if we don't experience them, we aren't trying hard enough, but they will always happen because many are the result of other factors. We must study, question, discover, experiment, and improve in order to respond to setbacks. Responding forces us to consider the possibility of change. Setbacks can be used to your advantage. Therefore, are you paying attention to these alarm clocks, or are you pressing the “snooze” button?