Rising From The Rubble~Quotes To Inspire Your Inner Phoenix
Whether we’ve recently suffered a setback or loss, or are completing a page-turning transition…we are definitely depleted, & a bit worse for the wear. And often times, when our reserves are low, we doubt or choices, decisions & direction, because of fatigue and/or fear. Believe me, been there, done that. I began my “Quote & Fable Bits” as a means to help hit the reset button & stop second-guessing everything I actually orchestrated in instinctual response to what had occurred.
I recently became embroiled in an unavoidable few months of personal & professional quagmire that could not be resolved, but with my singular focus & daily participation. It has been exhausting & exhilarating…simultaneously. It provoked me to collect a few of the more pertinent quotes I had previously written, along with a gift of one from a newly awakened friend, so that I could read, relish & revive my weary spirit & complete the process, giving my inner Phoenix wings to rise again from the rubble. Enjoy!
~Wholehearted Endeavors~ In the course of a lifetime, we try to make so many decisions. I believe what makes some more valuable than others is how truly passionate we are about each one.Don’t let anything stop you from pursuing your passions. Wholehearted endeavors, whether they are ultimately successful or not, will always be worth it. Hurt heals in time~Regret simmers forever.
~Living Well Is Best~ Living well is the best revenge. George Herbert “Everyone knows this quote by heart. But, do yourself a favor, skip even thinking about the revenge. It’s exhausting. You’ll have more fun just spending the time, resources & emotions to move forward with positive activities & people, & having the best life you can. And, as often occurs if you live long enough, the karmic pendulum usually swings back on someone who has harmed people. When that happens, I acknowledge the gods in their wisdom & try not to gloat!”
~Take The Leap~ Everyone needs help sometimes, & it’s okay to ask. But waiting too long for someone to come & launch that special project with you is a very bad idea. What if no one ever shows up? Take The Leap!
~The Path Less Travelled~ “Travelling an unusual path can be more rewarding & definitely more interesting. It can also be a bit lonely,so be sure to breathe deeply & appreciate everything you experience along the way. All of it will come back to reward you as you move forward into new territory!”
~Self-Fulfilling Prophesies~ “If you think you can~you will. If you think you can’t~you won’t. Sometimes~ it’s really just that simple!”
~On Being An Outsider~ “Being prepared to be “an outsider” takes the sting out of the inevitable backlash often encountered when you step outside the box. In business, or as an artist, learn to separate yourself from the unpleasantries you will encounter from those who are not comfortable with anything different!”
~Never Say I Don’t Know~ “Researching something new is intriguing & fun. When someone asks you for information, find out.You’ll be all the wiser, & they will sing your praises!”
~Who Are You Without An Audience?~ “Don’t be afraid of being alone. As with a great black & white photograph, without anyone watching, your innermost character appears most clearly, allowing you to honestly see who you truly are. Giving you time to celebrate your assets, dispel your fears & develop ways to ameliorate your liabilities without judgment or reproach.”
~Deserved~Entitled~Earned~ “We rarely get what we deserve. And, no one is entitled to anything, really. *Read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to give you lots to think about. But I do believe we eventually get what we have earned, at some time or another.”
~Opinions vs Judgments~ “Having discussions with people who don’t realize or won’t accept that the only difference between an opinion & a judgment is nuance & legal connotation, is really difficult. They are both based on the opinions of the people involved, as per what they have seen & heard. If you have an opinion, you have made a judgment. So before you apply for sainthood, & critique, a-hem judge, those who fervently voice their opinions, please remember, in essence & application, it’s all the same.”
~Awakening~ “I cannot settle for just okay, or ordinary. Life’s passion is all around us in beauty, music, art, the constant flow of the ocean…and there is an underlying pulse in this world to share those moments.”*
~Hero Magic~ “How can we shine a beacon of hope on our future, when so many adults act like violent, phony, spoiled, tantrum-throwing brats? Magic only happens when we all put our inner hero in the spotlight, & grant everyone, including ourselves, accountability & respect everyday.”
~On Being Interesting~ “To be interesting, you have to be interested in something! Whatever strikes you as fabulous, whatever you are passionate about, will translate immediately to your audience. The added advantage is, not only will you enjoy yourself, but you will be hailed as someone worth cultivating!”
~Destiny Does Not~ “Destiny does not send you what you want, when you want it. The gods send what they believe are the best opportunities for you to embrace at the moment, so you can explore & grow. To be always moving toward becoming the best you can be. And of course, you can always refuse the gift & say no…that is your choice.”
*I love penning the Quote & Fable Bits you’ll find on ConciergeJo-Anna.com, but I am really thrilled when someone I know, who seemingly didn’t offer up her deepest thoughts & feelings, surprises me with a sparkling quote about her own “Awakening”. Brava & many thanks, D.H.W.
Best, Concierge Jo-Anna
All Rights Reserved~Concierge Jo-Anna @ Corporate Caretaking?