Rising Destinations - Germany
According to the World Health Organization, Germany's population in 2023 is approximately 84.5 million. (LINK 1) #WHO
Let's continue with some notes on German tourism from the OECD 2024 report: (LINK 2) #OECD
1- According to 2020 figures, tourism directly contributed $73 billion to the German economy.
2- 1.9 million people were employed in tourism (2022)
3- 1.9 million people working in tourism constituted 4.1% of Germany's employment.
4- 148.5 million domestic overnight stays were recorded in 2023.
Let's continue with statistics on German tourism, then we will continue with notes from the OECD report.
The number of visitors and tourism revenues that Germany received between 2017-2023 is below: #UnTourism (LINK 3)
Although Europeans visit Germany the most, the USA is in 3rd place. #statista (LINK 4)
Germany's position in the World Tourism League in 2023 was as follows #UnTourism (LINK 3)
Seasonality in Germany is similar to Turkey's tourism! #UnTourism (LINK 3)
Let's continue with notes on German tourism from the #OECD 2024 report: (LINK 2)
The German tourism hierarchy is as follows. They have added tourism to the two important disciplines of economy and climate. The importance they give to tourism is very clear!
It is possible to say that tourism policy in Germany has a complex management structure: While the federal government plays a coordinating role in tourism, the 16 Federal States (L?nder) are responsible for developing, shaping, and promoting tourism policy. Each federal state has a destination management organization that represents the interests of the subnational organizations. Local tourism offices coordinate the work of tourism SMEs, promote product design, and undertake relevant marketing activities.
The budget allocated to tourism in the Federal/L?nder Joint Plan for the Improvement of Regional Economic Structures (GRW) was 1.4 billion euros for 2018-2022, divided equally between federal and L?nder contributions. Funds allocated to tourism accounted for 21.9% of all GRW funds across all sectors approved during this period, underscoring the importance of tourism.
Since 2022, the Federal Government has been further developing the National Tourism Strategy to strengthen the economy, prepare the sector for the future, and support the post-crisis recovery. The strategy addresses four key challenges in the German tourism sector:
1- climate neutrality and nature protection
2- personnel recruitment and security
3- digitalisation
4- competitive tourism
The general objectives of the strategy, supported by the Future of Tourism platform, are:
(i) strengthening the sustainable growth of tourism companies;
(ii) ensuring that the tourism sector makes a significant contribution to climate neutrality by 2045;
(iii) promoting the needs-based expansion and interconnectedness of tourism mobility;
(iv) working towards international quality leadership in tourism products, infrastructure and services;
(v) achieving maximum efficiency in service provision and administrative processes;
(vi) promoting social and ecological responsibility at national and international levels by making tourism integrative, inclusive and barrier-free;
(vii) strengthening resilience in national and international tourism;
(viii) increase the acceptance of tourism by local communities;
(ix) strengthen the environment and nature as the basis of tourism;
(x) protect natural resources;
(xi) strengthen regional value creation.
In addition, the tourism sector benefits from a variety of cross-sector and sector-specific initiatives. The LIFT financing program aims to improve performance, stimulate innovation, and mobilize tourism SMEs and destinations to tackle future tourism challenges. The aim is to develop future-oriented, applicable solutions to make tourism sustainable and ensure that the sector contributes to sustainable development. Since 2019, the German Federal Statistical Office has been compiling an expanded Tourism Satellite Account – Economy and Environment (TSA-EE), providing data on the economic impact of the tourism sector in Germany (tourism-related output, gross value added, and tourism employment) as well as tourism-related energy consumption, air emissions, raw material input and environmental protection expenditure at the federal level.
A new data dashboard developed by the German National Tourism Board aims to support the sustainable development of tourism. The dashboard supports users with detailed information from three perspectives:
(i) the general attitude of consumers in source markets towards sustainability, climate protection, and their interest in sustainable travel;
(ii) the perception of Germany as a destination and its position in European competition; and
(iii) current travel behaviour from a sustainable perspective, including the importance of multi-destination travel, length of stay, tourism intensity, and CO2 equivalent emissions for transport.
The data dashboard on sustainable travel trends in Germany is detailed below.
When we look at the countries of tourists who spend the most money abroad, we come across a familiar result. #statista (LINK 5)
I looked at the countries of tourists who spend the most money abroad from a different source, but Germany is again in the picture. #UnTourism (LINK 3)
What is on the UNESCO World Heritage List for Germany? #Unesco (LINK 6)
Where does Germany rank in the #WEF Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024? (LINK 7)
German tourists continue to use traditional methods when planning their travels. #statista (LINK 8)
A study published by TUI in January 2025 found that, on average, Germans feel 4.2 years younger after their holidays. #TUI (LINK 9)
The percentage of German tourists’ holiday motivations is as follows:
1- Experiencing nature (85%),
2- Relaxation and health (79%),
3- Spending time with family or friends (75%),
4- Getting away from work (72%)
“Germans will continue to travel in 2025: According to the #TUI survey, 60% of all respondents plan to go on a holiday that lasts at least a few days. The survey shows that one-third of those who are willing to travel have already booked their holidays for 2025. One in five people plan to travel more than in 2024. 37% of those surveyed want to book at least two trips next year. The trend is clear: despite economic uncertainty, holidays remain a priority for many,” said Sebastian Ebel, CEO of TUI Group.
The results of TUI’s latest #YouGov survey are consistent with a scientific study by Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia. Travel has been shown to not only increase well-being but can also slow down signs of aging. The study suggests that positive travel experiences (physical activity, social interactions, positive emotions, and exposure to new environments) can strengthen the immune system, stimulate metabolism, and support the body’s natural healing process.
When we look at the countries Germans travel to the most, we see the following table.
#statista (LINK 10)
I shared some statistics about the contribution of the 2024 European Championship to the German economy. #UEFA #NielsenSports (LINK 11)
-The economic impact of the event on Germany, including the 10 host cities, is approximately $7.44 billion
-90% of the amount raised was spent by people who bought 2.7 million tickets
-Nearly 70% of fans used public transport
-€571 million in advertising value was generated thanks to global media exposure.
-On average, 23% of ticket holders came from the host cities, 33% from the rest of Germany, and 44% from abroad.
-85% of host city residents said they were proud to host EURO 2024.
-78% of all ticket holders rated #UEFA EURO 2024 positively.
The “Traveller Review Awards”, organized by Booking.com for 13 years, are awards given to business partners who help create unforgettable travel experiences based on guest reviews. Germany, not Turkey, is on the list of accommodation facilities with the most awards between 2021-2024. #bookingcom (LINK 13)
Looking at the last 20 years, it is seen that Germans have been traveling steadily. For Germans, travel is a need, a passion, and a way of life. #statista (LINK 14)
When we look at the cities that receive the most tourists in Germany, Berlin is probably the city on everyone's mind. #statista (LINK 15)
Since I care about the possibility of a "Black Swan", I believe that it is important to prepare ourselves and the organizations we work with against possible surprises by developing designs. At this point, some quotes from the work of Dear Sad?k Badak and Dear ?rfan ?nal titled "Design Theory in Management and Decision Processes, A Study on Simon and Topalian Methods" will add even more value to the importance I am trying to express. #dergipark (LINK 12)
1- The essence of management is design.
2- Throughout history, societies have continued to seek better management to improve their lives.
3- Administrative duty is the management of the “decision-making process” and the decision-making process is divided into regular steps and procedures to ensure efficient progress.
4- In the industrial information society, vertical specialization and decisions are made on targets with coordination and organizations at all levels.
5- “Design” is the action that aims to transform the current situation into preferred situations and is complementary to “natural” sciences. “Design Process” is closely related not only to engineering and architecture but also to business, management, education, law, medical professions, and practices.
I continue with 2 visuals from the relevant study.
On pages 128 to 131 of the book “Tourism 2030: How to Design a Better Tourism Industry?” by dear ?rfan ?nal, FvW magazine mentions a study for Germans called “Destination Rating / Evaluation Report”. On page 131, by dear ?rfan ?nal, I'll end the article with comments written in 2020.
I wish you a great week.
Yakup Demir, February 11, 2025
https://data.who.int/countries/276 (LINK 1)
https://www.oecd.org/en/publications/2024/07/oecd-tourism-trends-and-policies-2024_17ff33a3.html (LINK 2)
https://www.statista.com/statistics/1034458/booking-channels-for-prebooked-holiday-trips-germany/ (LINK 8)
https://partner.booking.com/tr/click-magazine/bookingcom-news/traveller-review-awards-2025-guide (LINK 13)