The Rising Cost of ISO Certification: Is There an Alternative Option?
NDC Certification Bureau Ltd
Helping business leaders gain ISO Certification
In today's competitive business landscape, organisations strive to stay ahead by demonstrating their commitment to quality and compliance. One way to achieve this is through ISO certification, which not only helps manage compliance but also drives continual improvement and manages risk. However, the cost associated with ISO certification has been a growing concern for many organisations. This article explores the reasons behind the rising costs of ISO certification and whether there are alternative options that provide the same benefits without breaking the bank.
The Rise in Certification Costs
In recent years, many organisations have reported a significant increase in certification costs. This can be attributed to various factors, including an increase in the number of audit days, higher audit rates, and economic factors, or a combination of all. These rising costs have become a barrier, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups, who find it difficult to justify or afford the expenses associated with certification.
The Role of Accreditation Bodies
Accreditation bodies, such as BSI, SGS, and Lloyds Registrar, play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and impartiality of audits. These bodies follow strict guidelines issued by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), which was established as the UK's National Accreditation Body (NAB). UKAS accreditation is necessary to instill trust in the industry, particularly in sectors involving safety-critical components, medical devices, and other services vital to national infrastructure and security. However, adhering to these guidelines can contribute to the overall cost of ISO certification.
Exploring Non-UKAS Certification
Non-UKAS certification providers offer an alternative approach to achieving ISO certification. These providers operate independently of UKAS and the EU, allowing them greater flexibility and efficiency in their processes. By reducing bureaucracy and embracing innovation, non-UKAS providers can offer cost-effective solutions for organisations seeking ISO certification. While some ISO standards may still require UKAS accreditation, organisations can adopt a blended approach by choosing a mix of UKAS and non-UKAS certification for certain standards, resulting in cost savings while still satisfying customer requirements.
The Role of ISO
ISO, the International Standards Organisation, recognizes and acknowledges that organisations can self-certify or obtain independent verification to demonstrate compliance with ISO standards. does not mandate UKAS certification and emphasises the importance of achieving the intended outcomes of the standards. This approach provides organisations with the flexibility to choose certification options that best suit their needs and budget.
Benefits of Non-UKAS Certification
Non-UKAS certification offers several benefits to organisations. Firstly, it reduces the financial burden associated with ISO certification, making it more accessible to SMEs and start-ups. Secondly, it streamlines the audit process, saving time and resources by leveraging technology and software. Remote desktop audits and online documentation enable efficient auditing without the need for extensive travel. Lastly, non-UKAS certification providers offer tailored solutions that meet industry requirements, ensuring that organisations can demonstrate compliance and satisfy tender opportunities or customer demands.
NDC Certification Services: An Alternative Solution
NDC Certification Services is a widely accepted certification scheme recognised by the NHS, Local Authority, Achilles and other industry professionals. NDC's approach focuses on providing organisations with a robust ISO management system that is independently audited, satisfying the requirements of ISO standards. NDC Certification Services leverages technology, integrated management systems and customisable auditing software, to drive efficiencies and streamline workflows and the audit process. Through remote audits and customised services, organisations can achieve ISO certification without the high costs associated with traditional certification bodies.
ISO certification is a valuable tool for organisations seeking to enhance their performance, manage compliance, and mitigate risks. However, the rising costs of certification have become a significant hurdle for many businesses, especially SMEs and start-ups. Exploring non-UKAS certification options, such as those offered by NDC Certification Services, can provide affordable and efficient solutions without compromising on quality. It is crucial for organisations to assess their specific needs, customer expectations, and industry requirements when choosing a certification provider. By doing so, they can achieve ISO certification while optimizing resources and driving business success.