Rising Cocoa Prices are Cracking Geneva’s Marmites
CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvétique SA
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Rising Cocoa Prices are Cracking Geneva’s Marmites
Since 2022, cocoa prices have skyrocketed, increasing more than fourfold due to climate challenges, supply chain disruptions and rising global demand. This surge is impacting not only the chocolate industry but also the cultural traditions tied to this treasured ingredient.
In Geneva, cocoa plays a central role in the Fête de l’Escalade , a historic celebration held last week to commemorate the city’s victory over an attempted invasion in 1602. A beloved tradition of the festival involves breaking chocolate marmites - miniature cauldrons filled with marzipan and candies - as a nod to the defenders’ ingenuity.
As cocoa prices have risen, so has the cost of these symbolic treats, an unfortunate burden for Geneva’s citizens.