The Rise of Small Language Models

The Rise of Small Language Models

Lately in the generative AI space, Small in the new Big. Rapid advancements in AI have continually shifted the goalposts. As Large Language Models (LLMs) balloon in size, with some surpassing hundreds of billions of parameters, a new perspective is emerging: what exactly qualifies as a "small" language model?

The Evolution of "Small" in Language Models

A few years ago, a language model with 20 billion parameters would have been considered groundbreaking. It would have been at the forefront of AI research, capable of performing tasks that were previously unimaginable. Fast forward to today, and the landscape has drastically changed. With models like GPT-4 boasting upwards of 175 billion parameters, and even more ambitious models on the horizon, that 20 billion parameter model now seems relatively modest.

This shift underscores a critical point: the notion of a small language model is a moving target. As the capabilities and sizes of LLMs continue to expand, the definition of "small" has become increasingly relative.

We need a New "Costco Rule"

A few years back, I came up with the notion of the Costco Rule to define the boundary between Data and Big Data. You can listen to my rationale in full, but here's the summary: If you can buy a hard drive at Costco then that amount of data is no longer "big." In 2006, a 4TB data base was "Big Data." Now, you can pick up an 8TB drive at Costco. Ergo: 4TB is no longer Big Data.

A similar pattern is emerging in Language Models, where cutting edge models are getting close to one trillion parameters -- a milestone that we will likely hit before the end of 2024. However, are Small Language Models useful? Can they still perform tasks reasonably well? Are they still relevant?

Why Small Language Models Still Matter

Despite the trend toward ever-larger models, Small Language Models (SLMs) remain highly relevant and increasingly important for several reasons:

1. Efficiency and Accessibility

SLMs require significantly less computational power and memory than their larger counterparts. This makes them more accessible to organizations and developers who may not have the resources to train or deploy massive models. In addition, the lower resource requirements of SLMs enable their use in a wider range of applications, including real-time systems and edge devices.

2. Specialized Applications

SLMs can be fine-tuned to excel in specific domains or tasks, often achieving performance levels comparable to larger models when applied to well-defined problems. For example, a 20 billion parameter model, while small by today’s standards, can be highly effective in specialized tasks like legal document analysis, medical data processing, or customer service automation.

3. Cost and Environmental Considerations

Training and deploying LLMs is not only resource-intensive but also costly. The energy consumption associated with training these models has raised concerns about their environmental impact. SLMs, by contrast, offer a more sustainable alternative, providing powerful capabilities without the same level of financial and environmental cost.

The Rise of "Small" Models in a Big Model World

As LLMs continue to grow, the rise of SLMs represents a countertrend focused on optimization and efficiency. Companies and researchers are increasingly recognizing that bigger isn’t always better. Instead, the focus is shifting toward developing models that are "right-sized" for their intended applications, balancing performance with practical considerations.

In this context, even models with 20 or 30 billion parameters—once considered cutting-edge—are now seen as "small" when compared to the behemoths of today. Yet these models are anything but obsolete. They are finding new life as versatile, efficient tools in a world where the ability to deploy AI effectively often outweighs the allure of sheer size.

The Future of Small Language Models

Looking ahead, the concept of a small language model will continue to evolve. As LLMs push the boundaries of what AI can do, SLMs will increasingly serve as the practical, adaptable workhorses of the AI world. They will be integral in applications where resource constraints are a concern, where specialization is key, and where the cost-to-performance ratio must be carefully managed.

Moreover, as AI research progresses, we can expect new techniques that will further enhance the capabilities of SLMs. Innovations such as model compression, knowledge distillation, and efficient architecture design are likely to make SLMs even more powerful, blurring the lines between small and large.

Conclusion: A Moving Target

In the ridiculously rapidly changing landscape of AI, the notion of a "small" language model is far from static. As large models continue to grow, what we consider small today may soon be seen as even more modest. However, the importance of SLMs remains undiminished. They are critical to the ongoing democratization of AI, enabling broader access to powerful language technologies and ensuring that AI advancements benefit a wide array of industries and applications.

In a world where bigger often garners the most attention, the rise of small language models reminds us that innovation in AI is not just about scaling up—it's also about scaling smart.

Candace Gillhoolley

Sales and Account Management | Business Development | Partner, Acquisitions, Retention, Community | Published Author and Public Speaker | Visual Learner

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It’s great how you break it all down.

Frank La Vigne

AI and Quantum Engineer with a deep passion to use technology to make the world a better place. Published author, podcaster, blogger, and live streamer.

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