R.I.S.E. Newsletter - November

R.I.S.E. Newsletter - November

Autumn leaves

Remember, remember, this newsletter of November! Time to get cosy with a blanket, cuppa and your latest R.I.S.E. round-up…


Latest articles from our educators

How outdoor play opens up a new world of learning by Emma Davis

With children spending less time outside, helping pupils connect with nature is more important than ever. But how can we help pupils love outdoor learning and what role does the adult need to play in this?

Learn how to provide an enabling outdoor environment for your pupils


Is it time to tackle your phone obsession? Part 1 by Andrew Cowley

If we want to support children and young people’s relationships with tech, we have to start with the adults. That’s the message of this first of a two-part article, as it highlights the importance of adults having healthy relationships with their devices and use of social media.

Find out if you're using your phone too much.


10 ways to support your colleagues in peri/menopause by Helen Clare

While every experience of peri/menopause is different, there are some common strategies you can adopt to make school a less challenging environment for colleagues experiencing this, enabling them to do their job to the best of their ability without sacrificing their health.

Discover how to support your colleague in peri/menopause


New content wanted!

As well as articles, we are now looking to add other types of short-form content to our magazine, including:

·?????? Classroom anecdotes – What hilarious thing did a pupil say last week or what went completely wrong in your lesson that we can all learn from?

·?????? Advice – What words of wisdom could you share? Perhaps it was something a colleague shared with you at just the right moment!

·?????? Activity ideas – Tried a new activity that worked really well? Why not share a short video explaining how to carry it out and any resources needed so another teacher can try it in their classroom?

Share your stories with us


Grid of 12 (of over 100) R.I.S.E. Magazine authors. Text reads, "R.I.S.E. - Reflect, Inspire, Support, Empower. Join our community!"

That’s it from us for this month. Don’t forget, you can subscribe FREE to R.I.S.E so you don’t miss a single article – plus, you’ll get access to our monthly community digest with its exclusive subscriber-only digital ‘gift’



