R.I.S.E. Newsletter - December
Season's greetings!
Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate, we’re sending warm winter wishes to all our readers as we share with you our latest newsletter of 2024!
Tis the season to be reading…
What are the keys to successful CPD provision? by Oliver Wright
Have you always wanted to know what the secret to successful continued professional development is? Well, now you can find out!
Why better PSHE education is vital to empower SEND pupils by ????? Lynn How FCCT
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education has been part of the curriculum for a long time but how can we ensure it’s fully interwoven through the whole-school ethos for the benefit of SEND pupils?
Why 1 in 5 teaching assistant roles are unfilled by Hannah Harris
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. We have a large number teaching assistant vacancies and we can’t afford to lose out on these valuable paraprofessionals in our schools. So, what’s the issue?
Season’s treat-ings!
Some of our community’s pets are feline festive this howl-iday season! Keep an eye on riseedumag.com for a special edition of our beloved Pets’ Corner coming very soon. Whatever you are celebrating this season, these furry friends are sure to make your heart grow three sizes.
That’s (almost) a wrap! From 23rd December, the R.I.S.E. team will be taking a winter break. We’re so grateful for your readership, writing and support in 2024 and we can’t wait to share more with you in the new year!
Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays to all!