R.I.S.E. Newsletter 11 – July 2024

R.I.S.E. Newsletter 11 – July 2024

Hello and welcome to the eleventh R.I.S.E. Magazine monthly newsletter! It’s July, with the summer break in full swing for some educations and very much in full countdown mode of ‘sleeps until’ for others.

We would like to take a moment to say thank you to our educator readership, not just for reading R.I.S.E. this academic year, but for all your hard work and dedication throughout the year. Whatever your role in your setting, you are making a difference and we hope you do have some time over the summer to celebrate your wins – and have some well-earned respite too!




Here comes the summer

We wanted to share some summer sunshine with you, so team R.I.S.E. (including our contributors) has put together a little summer playlist! Perhaps one to enjoy while cooking up a BBQ (sorry if it instantly pours down now because you simply read the word ‘BBQ’), to give you motivation while packing your suitcase or just to have on the background as and when you need a mood boost. Let us know your favourite tracks and what you would add

A bit of light reading

If you’re looking for something short and informative to read, why not check out our latest article, ‘Getting started with using technology for pupil practice in English’ by Mark Anderson to help you understand how technology can support students with their reading and writing practice.


Articles spotlight

In this edition, we’d like to highlight three articles from the latest issue and a throwback article from one of our earlier issues.

Pets’ corner

It’s cuteness overload with our Pets’ corner! This edition features furry friends Sonic, Rainbow, Willow, Timmy, Blackberry, LunaBear, Douglas, Alfie, Coco and Myrtle.

Get a wellbeing boost and maybe submit your pet!

‘Ofsted as a SENCO: Part 1 – preparation’ by Penny Whelan

In the first of a two-part series, Penny Whelan shares her experience of an Ofsted inspection as a SENCO. In this first part, Penny talks about the pre-inspection day preparation, sharing what she found useful to have ready, tips for preparing staff and her recommended resources to help you showcase what you are already doing on a day-to-day basis.

Feel prepared and ease the Ofsted pressure.


Book Review: ‘Peter O’Meter’ by Tricia Fuglestad

Our editor reviews a unique book where Augmented Reality (AR) is used to bring the main character to life! ‘Peter O’Meter’ provides an engaging way to explore social emotional learning with pupils, sparking conversations and developing emotional literacy.

Could this be your next class story time book?


Throwback: ‘Creating flex learning spaces’ by Maggie Layfield

Whether you’re switching classrooms or just want to refresh your existing one, in this article from Issue 5, Maggie shares how you can ensure your learning environment is fit for purpose as she gives you practical steps to success you can put into practice in your classroom.

Flex your learning space!





