The Rise in Mental Health Issues  ?
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The Rise in Mental Health Issues

The continued after-effects of the Pandemic with escalating living expenses, one cold or virus to another causing the world; businesses, lifestyles and lives to have been severely impacted and forever altered, resulted in a record-high spike in mental health crises!

Know, no one is alone in all this, millions around the world are simply being worn down for multiple reasons!

We all hear it all over the net. "Talk to someone, unravel those feelings". ?Who dares take the time off with job insecurities hitting an all-time high. For those fortunate to take time off, often find themselves being prescribed drugs to manage their feelings 'situation' versus learning tools to deal with their issues. I hear over and over again from clients they could sense their professional had no idea how to deal with feelings. They could sense there was something wrong. Unfortunately, the education departments neglect to teach professionals where their own feelings stem from and therefore how can they assist a client with the client's feelings. One has to wonder what's happened to this part of the mental health training system. A question worth knowing...

Talking to someone: Unfortunately due to the concern in today's breaches of computer security many fear their information kept in files being exposed, where will it end up?...will it come back to haunt them? I don't have the extra money for 2-3 years of sessions or time to wait to be seen and the list goes on... or the denial that their own issues aren't that bad...There are so many people attempting to be the ROCK for others while inside their fighting their own issues. Do know that it all does not have to take weeks, months or even years to learn the skills to work on your own issues as they surface... You have a right to ask questions before sharing your private details. If a therapist is good they will not need to hear all your details.

Due to escalating prices, lack of income many individuals will find various excuses to deny themselves the opportunity to "Talk to someone, unravel those feelings".

In the summer of 2021, I spent many days at the Vancouver Art Gallery Vigil for First Nation Children whose lives were taken, abused, tortured and many murdered by governments of Turtle Island [North America] and religious directors.?My presence was in various capacities; witness to the pain of family members, witness to their personal pain of once being captive in the environment, speaker, information point for settlers,?and the many visitors from around the globe who came to honor the lost lives.?

Over that time I met many healers and professionals in various fields of mental health coming to honor those who lost their lives.?The question I asked many of the settlers on our land who work with our people across the Nations with their degrees of various capacities is the same question I ask all clients.?

The one question I would ask those professionals was:

For example: If I asked you how you felt about what you are seeing before you [the hundreds of shoes to represent the lost lives of children before them on the stairs] can you tell me where you would go within your body to share with me your feelings??

Their answers were: ?For most, they would say;

a)?????"My heart"; I'd say to them, well your heart is an organ and it pumps blood not the place where your feelings come from.?Your feelings can certainly affect a person's heart.

Secondly, their answer would be;

b)????"My head"; I'd say to them; The head is where we think from, I asked you about where your feelings come from within you.?Do?you know where that is?

c)?????They would at that point look at me and say; "Well I guess I really have no idea where my feelings come from"

This one question shocks most professionals to be caught off guard after the years of their training left them empty-handed to answer this one question.

One particular woman I'll never forget as she closed her eyes and lost her balance for a moment.?When she reopened her eyes she said to me:?"You know what, this is not something they taught me in university.?Wow, I have a masters' degree in Psychology and I have no idea where my feelings actually come from".

I hear this over and over again as I work with people in all professions of mental health and those of course in general society.?I have met only a handful of individuals who actually knew their answer.??Yet let's look at the many professions who are trained to work with people's feelings earning a 6 figure or more income working with clients regarding their feelings.?Many people give up on therapy after a few gut-wrenching years sadly.?

I often hear from clients over the years that previously they'd look in the eyes of the therapist and they could tell the therapists could not relate to what they were feeling.?This causes those clients to shut down. ?From there the sessions are simply about thinking.??

We see thousands of YouTubers and Guru's who make millions of dollars capturing the attention preying on people's emotions.?Much like cancer treatments...

When a professional has not yet discovered where their own feelings are rooted within their own self the question is:?Can they guide you to yours, to the core root of your issue.?There are plenty of labels out there people become addicted to as though it gives them a right to give up in life.?A professional gave them a label or a medication a health plan pays for to use as a crutch.?Why is it, so many people are not provided the tools to work through their actual issues? How can anyone provide them with tools when they have no idea where their feelings come from within them? Why? The system is based on return clients.

There is a book; "Killing Cancer Not People".?In this book, the author shares his discovery that the Cancer Society has I believe was a 3-5 % success rate at the time the book was written.?Yet look at the preying on people's emotions that are achieved to keep giving to research and people keep giving to them.?Here's a question:?If you and I made some pills and claimed to have it help you with Cancer as a treatment and had a 3-5% success rate, how quickly do you think we would be shut down??Yet the Cancer Society is permitted to continue their invasive treatments at this 3-5% success rate.?Why??A lot of jobs are centered around this disease.?There are simple answers that have been discovered, yet people have been trained to have an insurance company pay for their treatment, to pay for a treatment that will destroy so much within their being.?If they only knew how less they'd have to suffer paying for the right changes in their lives could be.

The system has convinced society that alternatives are unacceptable...people who advertise alternative treatments somehow are eliminated or made to look as though they are a conspiracy. ?Education avoids teaching the truth about the simple science of the human body.?The simplicity of the body's pH the information swept under the carpet.?I recall in my training as a medic the word acidosis in the medical information existed although not what to do for acidosis. [a huge missing gap in education]?People are corralled into a 3-5% success system and the entire family is traumatized due to lack of simplicity the truth and, hey you don't have to pay for it your insurance policy will.?You bet you will pay for it with the physical state of your body and maybe if you survive they'll never deem you cured...I believe they call it remission and those folks live life in fear of it versus learning the truth.?Do know before you consider writing me with comments on the Cancer Society that I know thousands of people personally who have walked away from that disease by changing a few things in their lives or I wouldn't share this with you.?I only wish I knew ALL this when my dad had cancer and was put through the grill for years as his insides were mutilated, as he fought for his life multiple times and other times begged us to end his life, until a few things were changed in his life. ?He's 88 years of age without the return of his trauma cancer of the intestines. No, it wasn't his treatment it was my mother giving him at that time available and no longer of course, 'enzymes' and one other natural product. The enzymes sold today are nothing like what was available back then. He was the only one of 11 who survive the test program. hmmm...3-5% wasn't in that study!

I have worked with many individuals with Masters Degree's in various capacities over the years in the mental healing industries.?Each one as shocked as the other with the gap their education left in their professional lives.?People in these industries arrive there for a few reasons.?One is for the degree and stature in life, the other is to be a contributor and help those who are suffering generally stemming from an experience they had, and or someone they knew had experienced, or simply by what they saw and determined to make a difference in some way.? And yes seeing any one of them will provide you with more than what most people are provided in their general education...

We all have issues regardless of your training, education or other, so if any individual reading this believes they do not, know it's referred to as, "denial".? I have yet to meet a person who walks this life without issues, and or challenges along the way.?There are gaps and hidden parts in everyone's life...Some people are able to mask their issues better than others or learned in their lives to avoid their issues.

3 HOURS MIND GYM is an online system designed to provide tools for individuals who have been stuck on a stair in life, and or those wanting to climb to new stairs up my brother would say; "Are you going to allow yourself to be stuck ?on one stair the rest of your life or are you ready to climb up to another?" ?No one's life is perfect, nor will you never again face challenges... What J3 HOURS MIND GYM online system offers, are tools a person can use to unlock the invisible handcuffs life so far has held them back with...releasing the autopilot beliefs ingrained in a person's memory if they can actually allow themselves to silent their thinking long enough to do the to obtain as your future arrives, you'll have onboard to walk through the challenges much swifter...

Are you that person in your community that others rely upon? Are you the one others rely upon to be the problem solver, are you the caretaker to others' issues all the while your issues are brushed onto the back burner to one day address??As long as you continue to do for others versus yourself the universe will certainly continue to deliver more for you to much more you can take will continue to be delivered until you one day you alone decide you've had enough... and decide to actually spend some time on you, for you.?How can we assist others when we haven't done our own work??Triggers in a person's life cause pauses and one day that pause could cost a life...even your own.?

Our lives are made up of four sectors; Spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental.?It takes all four parts being in motion for our wheel to move forward for a smoother journey...?When we are utilizing only 2 or 3 parts of our wheel/ our being, our wheel through life will be a bumpy ride... How important are our emotions? As equally as the other 3 parts of ourselves.?Unfortunately, societies are built upon avoidance of emotions...the European society was built upon focus on "thinking", versus feelings, this created gaps so people would become reliant and live in constant upheaval and denial.? As long as people are kept in the dark about their feelings, hurting, and confused they are controllable, lives cannot be clear as long as there is denial, abuse, and or turmoil. ?As long as a person is living in autopilot, basing their decisions on what society, religions, cultures or other learned beliefs as the right or only way, their lives will continue to spiral. ?If you have been well trained for your spiral not to be noticeable on the outside then in fact it's spiralling out of control on the inside for most' praying to the heavens no one else sees it.? We hear about it in the news the ECOMM worker who unfortunately spiralled out of control with no way back.

As a medic, we are trained it is our responsibility to put ourselves aside to focus on the victims of the attending incident.?When we arrive home due to confidentiality we cannot disclose our experiences.?When an ECOMM worker reaches out for help through their work office; social media will have you believe these days that it's fine to do so.?In a perfect world that would be wonderful.?Unfortunately, all ECOMM workers know the moment they reach out their superiors will secretly deem them as weak or broken.?It's the "OLD BOYS CLUB"?and unfortunately a sad reality.?So those ROCKS have had no place to safely vent.?Over the years this eats away at ECOMM workers. ??These workers in my opinion would be more willing to seek a venting channel if they were paid a quarterly bonus to use for the mental health of their choice.

For those who are reading this publication, believing you are the rock in life for yourself and others know that even rocks are crushed given particular circumstances or over time when your mind can no longer shift it to the back burner it starts burning within.?It's the one straw that breaks people even the strong.

For those who are leaning on the crutches of mental health labels and countless pills, ask yourself how many years are you going to ride that river drowning all those in your path until they simply get swept away by the currents from your rippled life? Research dehydration of the brain cells. Are you drinking bottled water and pop? If so that's your biggest issue no pill will correct. In the link provided here, readers can read more about LIVING WATER. Hydrate that brain of yours!

What I can share with all those who read this article is that having tools onboard and allowing yourself the experience of new information does in fact allow for a rapid increase in processing when issues arise and can often open new doorways in life and certainly, a great deal happier. You will regardless, continue to have experiences although it is up to you as to how you will experience each of those lessons which lay ahead in your lifetime... with more clarity or will you choose that one more burden to add to those compiled so far.

When you can clearly see why a person is having issues you are better equipped to direct them to what they too can do for themselves.?There is no medication that will cure a single soul out there from trauma or life's issues though can mask the symptoms for a while for sure.?Each one of us must address our issues at the end of the day.? I often share, it's like riding a bike.?I can tell you how I can put training wheels on your bike, though it is only you who can ride and balance that bike for you. It's something you must learn how to do and when you do those training wheels can be removed and from then on its hair straight back and just imagine the places you can go...there is truly no limit!??

For years society built a silent billboard that almost everyone was forced fed information to silently believe that if you do personal process work you are damaged goods.?Today people are beginning to talk, speak up about their mental health issues...the news flash is that each and every human being has mental, emotional, spiritual and or physical pain at different times in life...

The entire system of psychology based on stats and not personal experiences has turned into a system often defeating lives...causing many people to believe they are broken, damaged, ?or doubt themselves; when in fact they are human beings having experiences that yes hurt at times, is painful, yes can leave scares as long as they are held in by not being fortunate enough to learn basic skills and the simple science of the body's pH.??

After years of providing counselling in a government system creating tools that were deemed highly effective, with a client success rate of 96% over 5 years. Imagine 96% of the clients did not return for treatments anywhere in Canada during the 5 yr tracking period. This government facility had never seen such success which has become a healthy track record over the years for my clients to lean upon.? It was years later I decided to create the online system "3 HOURS MIND GYM". ?It's a system unlike any other and provides privacy for each user.? It's open 24-7. The user travels through the system with voice recordings guiding the user through the system... Marketers have suggested a price range of 2 -2.5k. I decided that my work is not how much money I can make off each user rather by the many a system like this can give in the moment response to without the user having to save for a year or breaking their bank. ?My decision was to provide an opportunity that most people could afford instantly when they need it most, and that is right away.? So employers would not have to replace their skilled employees for more than a few days versus months away.

A system people are confident to share the link with others they know. We all want to help those we know in crisis and what better way then to send them to a system of privacy and proven to work they can gain same day assistance versus struggling until an available appointment comes open. A system with a title anyone and everyone can relate too by sharing the link with others as a million people will have a million reasons for taking it. It's unlabelable! Let's face it do you know anyone who wouldn't want to know where their feelings are? You would be surprised just knowing what that answer can do in your life!?No one is watching and unless your employer is paying for the entry there is no record of your experience but do know it will give you experiences that will in fact cause many changes for the remainder of your life.?

Each module has recordings to walk users through each exercise, diagrams, and or pictograms.?At all times the information you provide is held by your pen on your paper that stays in your hands and can be shredded at the end.?

Every user will have a different experience within the mind gym as it is designed to do so.?Those who experience the mind gym are asked to do so in a private setting and to start and finish in one sitting with of course a few short breaks at suggested times.?Absolutely NO THINKING, no preplanning or believing you know an exercise or do know you will miss key elements...and strictly forbidden is any use of cell phones during the segments. Plan for 3 undisturbed hours. Phones must be turned off and left in a different room.?Notifications on your computer to be turned off as well.??Any interruptions could and most likely will cause the user to miss the importance of the flow of the information designed to arrive the user to discover exactly where their feelings come from within them.?Do know they are not in the same place for everyone.??We all experience experiences differently in life. ??The tools within the system are usable immediately in your life.?

Many years ago after delivering a course at an Elders University an Elderly woman stood up and shared how she obviously was highly educated and honored in the education system with all her BA's and a few Master Degrees; yet after all those years of education and achievements, she noted that not once in her lifetime was she exposed to such information as she had during the University Program I offered those students.?That she had to live almost her entire lifetime to attend this particular course to discover where her feelings were and to be able to communicate herself in a healthy manner within her family.?She went on to share that for most of her life she lived with anger towards her family for not appreciating who she truly was when in fact she had simply never known how to express that part of her until she experienced this course.?She brought tears to my soul to hear her words in her delivery of the class closing and open sharing with me...

My question to you is how long will you wait??We all learn differently, just as we all have separate experiences...How will you experience the rest of your life...

Many readers will have seen the 3D art style as the piece I have inserted as the header to this article.? Did you take a minute to look at the art or just wonder why I may have chosen it for the header? If you recognized the 3D artwork and were you able to see the 3D picture embedded in the artwork Congratulations! I use this artwork often to share the similarities with people what experiencing personal process is like.?People wonder why they couldn't see it before as it's so shockingly clear once you know how to view this art.?Yet many people go through viewing life just as the initial glance of this artwork...not making much sense...just looking at it as they first see it...too busy to stop and notice the importance of the art and why I may have chosen it. Many never bother to learn the techniques, yet those who take the time to learn see it so clearly it shocks them like a bolt of lightning in that moment when they first get in... But then as fast as they get in they are bounced out as soon as they go into their heads [thinking]. When we learn the tools of personal process we are able to see our lives as the 3D art in full view versus being lost in the maze created by others for us to navigate and remain confused and spiralling...?There is a full version of the artwork on the website you can view for free.

I hope this publication has provided insight for you into this area of healing... 3 HOURS MIND GYM eliminates the usual rabbit hole that will cost you thousands of dollars and weeks, months or years of your life to attend... if you are focused it could be as short as 3 hours to learn a great deal to navigate your own life for the rest of your life...??This system does not need you to return over and over again it's a one-time event for you.

When you are ready to have the experience I hope you will take that time out for you. 3 HOURS MIND GYM is designed for one user at a time and not an experience you can share, it's for you by yourself to experience in privacy.? Imagine learning in a few hours what most people live their life long without...

Most importantly there will be no file kept on or about you or what you have achieved or not achieved within those 3 hours.?Take your time to detach from the world as you once knew it to step into what awaits you...

Imagine learning in a few hours what most people live their life long without...

Sandi Verley [Consultant]




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