Rise of the Integrated Marketing Platform
I wanted to take a quick moment in our busy entrepreneurial lives to call out - like a scout who has ridden over the horizon - something new on it’s way…
I’m calling it the Integrated Marketing Platform. It’s a toothpaste and a floorwax kinda thing...
We’ve had CRMs for a long time. And they have been wonderful.
We’ve had marketing automation platforms that allow us to script elaborate sequences of emails to target audiences. Thrills.
More recently we’ve seen the integration of the telephone embedded into everything desktop and mobile.
And we’ve seen texting migrate from the diminutive phone keyboard and chat window to our spacious desktops where these messages assume a more prominent place in our daily toils and contrivances.
Now mash all that stuff together, so I can have all my contacts on a single platform, and with a single button fire off an email, a text, start a phone call or even reach out on Messenger. With all that, I now want to script all manner of interaction involving some or all of those channels by dropping a contact into a campaign that choreographs all that and interacts with your desktop apps.
This is the new Integrated Marketing Platform and it will revolutionize how marketing and sales is done - especially for the small business where keeping up with follow-up and nurture has been a losing battle from the start.
Think I’m blowing smoke? That I’m imagining things? Am I ahead of myself?
Indeed not. It is here. Already.
Stay tuned. I’ll be writing more about this in the coming weeks.
All the Best for Growth in Your Practice,
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