The Rise of the Bots: Have they taken over FinTech?
The bots invasion has begun.
Many industries are trying to exploit bots to elevate their businesses. E-commerce companies are using bots to complete their carts as are medical apps, who are utilising bots to give quick answers to user queries in a way which is easy to understand. Bots are trying to be everywhere.While bots are not proven to work well in various types of applications, they meet many requirements of enhancing customer satisfaction in FinTech apps.
The Easy New Interface of Mobile Banking
The concept of mobile banking that is currently growing is now increasingly sought after by developers like Simple in developing FinTech applications which are mobile-centric. Other developers, such as Mint and Digit, continue to innovate to explore their apps and strive to deliver a better user-interaction experience for their customers.
Digit, an online tracker of your personal expenditure, has come up with a breakthrough in presenting their products without applications like what other businesses are doing. They use a Short Messaging Service (SMS) as a medium to manage interactions with users. Though seen risky, it turns out that SMS can be an effective solution for users who feel too busy because of the many other applications they use to manage their money.
Varo Money, another mobile banking application, is a product which combines features from existing FinTech products. They created products easily through SMS like those by Digits, but complete them with applications that have many commands and options. In testing the BETA version, there is also a question-and-answer feature using bots to tackle questions like “How much money did I spend this month on restaurant X?” and “When is my phone bill payment due?”
Also read: “Integrating Kata Bot into Qiscus SDK Chat App
What’s Next: The Race to Develop a Chat Engine and ArtificiaI Intelligence (AI)
Meanwhile, in other applications, innovative ideas may apply. Such as incorporating the use of emoji and message bubbles in financial applications. That make it more attractive for younger users. Even though most FinTech application developers often ignore such features and tend to produce something more straight forward. They realize that in the end, applications that can handle many financial services. And make life easier for users are still highly valued by the customer.
Solution: Integrate A Chat Engine with AI
The development of bot is spreading all over the world. Not only are they growing in the West, bots are experiencing magnificent growth in the East. While bots have just started to be implemented worldwide. It seems that it is necessary to deliver a smart bot into your chat engine to give it maximum benefits.
Meet Soraya, one of the pioneers of chatbot usage in South-East Asia, who handles 100% of queries coming to Sales Stock’s Facebook Page. Apart from, handling queries from Facebook. It can also interact with users by giving a confirmation of the items that you buy, sizing and colour. Which is integrated with FB Messenger and gives maximum benefits.
Qiscus is currently available to provide bots for every need. Qiscus has also integrated their self-made Chat Engine platform with AI which is customizable for various purposes. Known as Qiscus Channel, it is a service which is integrated with Qiscus SDK via Kata.AI, an Indonesian AI service provider, which creates and integrates chatbots into available conversations to service clients.
Interested in our solution? Drop us a note at [email protected] and we will be ready to serve you in no time.
This article was inspired by article written by Jameson on Dogtown Media, 19 December 2016.