Rise Again: Finding Strength in Persistence When the Journey Gets Tough

Rise Again: Finding Strength in Persistence When the Journey Gets Tough

Let me start with a timeless piece of wisdom: Glory is not something you attain in a day. It does not appear at your door one morning. To attain glory, one must sacrifice something of equal or greater value. If you are not willing to make that sacrifice, then be content with remaining a nobody all your life.

When we set our eyes on a goal, the first few days are often filled with high energy and enthusiasm. Haven’t we all experienced this at some point in our lives—most notably during the first week of a new year? But as time goes on and results seem far from reach, our enthusiasm and energy begin to fade. By the end of the second week, doubts creep in, and we start questioning ourselves: Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? Is this really for me?

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, we enter 'the zone.' Tasks and activities start to feel effortless, energy spikes up, and enthusiasm returns. We push forward with renewed vigor in the third week. But by the end of that week, we realize this resurgence was only temporary, and motivation plummets again. Somehow, we drag ourselves into the fourth week, but without tangible results, we decide to give up.

If only there were a barometer to show how close we were to our goal when we decided to quit, we would have held onto our energy and enthusiasm through the tough times and kept grinding with joy. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. Most of the time, we just have to have faith that everything will eventually fall into place. We need to continue putting in the effort and enjoy the process, however long it takes.

The universe works in mysterious ways. Results appear sooner for some and later for others. But one thing is certain: results do show up for those who are persistent.

I empathize with you because there will be days when all you want to do is lie in bed and never get up. But remember, those are the exact days when you need to get up and suit up. It could be the last test the universe gives you before it rewards you. And whenever you encounter such a day, just follow these 3 simple steps:

1) Get up, suit up, and show up.

2) Tell yourself, 'I’m going to do as much as I can today, and that’s enough.' Even if that’s just one minute, one article, one post, one mile, or one lap—do it! Focus on that one step and give it your 100%. You’ll be amazed at what happens next. (I won’t spoil it because I want you to experience it for yourself.)

3) Offer gratitude for every little thing that made your day easier—your meal, water, coffee, clothes, home, etc. And be genuine about it.

Get this: even in school, you have to wait a year to be promoted to the next level, learning all the necessary subjects and passing year-end tests. So, when you ask something from destiny or the universe, isn’t it entitled to test you before showering you with its limitless grace?

So hang in there, and be hopeful. Slow down and take one step at a time. Give that step your 100%. It’s easy to get entangled in negativity, but it takes considerable effort to remain strong and optimistic. Remember, success and glory are not for the weak.


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