The Ripple Effect - Positive vs. Negative Attitudes
Aaron Scott Carman
Global Sales Leader, Cloud, Storage and Power Systems at IBM Digital Sales
One of my favorite quotes or sayings hangs eye level at my desk. I see it every morning before I start my day, before every call, before hit send on my email and certainly before I leave the office each evening. The quote is:
“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is ATTITUDE. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”
- Clement Stone
Now in full disclosure, I am a optimistic and positive person at heart. This however, does not mean that is my instinctual reaction to every person, interaction and/or situation. It is a very deliberate and conscious choice that I make.
See I strongly believe in the power of one’s attitude and the effects it has on all of those people directly in my path and indirectly. I believe our attitudes create a ripple effect. Defined as the continuing and spreading results of an event or action. I choose to find the positive, the good, and the solution. Rather than focusing on the negative, the bad, and the problem. By no means am I saying that I am perfect in this pursuit, but it is a daily focus and opportunity to grow in this area. That “little difference makes a big difference” swings both ways. In times of struggle, pain or change if you approach it with a positive attitude you will leave those directly involved more optimistic and encouraged. This is not to say that one should be fake or not genuine. Rather to take life on with a sincere effort to be a part of the solution, to create value to those around you, to serve those that need help, to listen to those that need to be heard, to leave a situation better than you found it, to admit your faults, learn from your mistakes and still try the next time.
See whether it is acknowledged or admitted by those around you, your attitude will have an impact on each person and situation. Whether positive or negative you can either be a catalyst for success or another reason for failure.
I choose to be a catalyst for success, to push myself to respond to problems with possible solutions, to encourage those around me, to find enjoyment in even the routine tasks, to serve and to leave each day better than I found it.