Ripken Experience Tournaments

Ripken Experience Tournaments

When I was growing up playing youth baseball, I had the privilege of attending countless youth baseball tournaments. Now, as an adult who lived out his dream of professional baseball, I am lucky to be able to help others have experiences that even I couldn't have believed. Our Ripken Experience Tournaments are Week-Long adventures at beautiful facilities in towns that are truly special.

Aberdeen, MD is the home of the Ripken Family, as well as our first complex, and is where the Experiences began.

Myrtle Beach, open for 10 years now, has been our premier facility for Week-Long Experiences, and has helped to establish us as an international magnet for high quality youth baseball.

Pigeon Forge, TN, is our newest home, and in 2016 will open featuring a state of the art facility with 6 synthetic fields for 9U-12U ball players looking to have a one-of-a-kind adventure. 

If you know a youth baseball player who you think deserves the best, check out, or call me at 443-327-8061 to learn more. We look forward to making memories with your team.


