Jigsaw Foresight
Your expert companions in strange making and change making. From the personal, to the planetary...
The time it takes to secure and strengthen networks is at odds with the speed, acceleration, dislocation, and porousness of modern organisations. Ripening trust takes intention and attention at the borders between the formal and the informal organisation.
‘The Corrosion of Character: the personal consequences of work in the new capitalism’ Richard Sennett, 1998
A JF take
‘The short term timeframe of modern institutions limits the ripening of informal trust.’ Richard Sennett was prescient in his 1998 book. Networks are long and slow, not short and fast. The early networks we make endure: for many, these early networks were the support that nourished and created safe havens for us in the turbulence of changed ways of working during the pandemic. For early career folks starting out at a turbulent time, how will they instigate relationships to nurture and develop through time? If knowledge work is increasingly automated, and the shrinking human workforce is onboarded virtually, when and where are the interstitial, slow times and places to gather, connect and allow micro-moments of trust to accumulate without measure or scrutiny? What are the proxies, rituals and ceremonies that allow us to hold bridging spaces between fast and slow? Do older workers have a distinct network advantage over younger ones and how can they share that network edge?
Pairing notes
In this Ted talk, friendship researcher Shasta Nelson outlines her view of the ‘friendship triangle’: consistency, vulnerability, and positivity, which all need to be present to lead to good, fulfilling and lasting relationships.