R.I.P. Your Majesty
It is of course with great sadness we learned today of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
I have met so many seafarers over the years, from various parts of the British Commonwealth, but also from other non-Commonwealth countries, many of whom, particularly non-Commonwealth countries, have had a profound and inexplicable devotion to the wonderful person, Her Majesty.
Queen Elizabeth II defines the term 'Majesty'. It cannot be surpassed.
Seafarers, in particular have always had a bond with Her Majesty, as indeed Queen Elizabeth II did with the sea, and all those that plied it, in whatever capacity.
She has now joined her beloved husband Prince Phillip, and now, trusting that all of those seafarers that are now forming the Guard of Honour in a better place.
A sad day for all. May her spirit live on.
I have noted a few ships already flying flags at half mast, as a sign of respect, wherever they are from. May all ships follow. Queen Elizbeth II, may have been the Queen of the UK, but she was, the Queen of the World in heart and spirit.