RIP- Yahoo
DGM l Business,Talent,Technology & Human l Future of Work l Football l Humanness
I had my first E-mail A/c with Yahoo....long back I shifted to Gmail. Before #tag mania, those days Yahoo Chat was my first online window to interact with "n" number new people across the globe. Felt sorry when news came out about Yahoo's sale yesterday early morning exactly the same way I had felt for Nokia sometime back.
Yahoo is the Nokia of industry. Another example, if you don't explore the market's ever evolving dynamics and take the decisions that is needed to be taken , you will loose sooner or later. In the late 1990s & early 2000s, Yahoo had a chance to buyout Google for 5 billion USD......missed!!! MS was ready to buy Yahoo 44.6 billion USD.....missed!!! What would have Online Business market now ...if either of any deal would have cracked.....Imagine...Guess...!!! Anyways it's over.
What's next....!!!
Any major corporation in the pipe line....??? Might be yes ...might not be.Yet, always the story of Nokia and Yahoo will keep guiding coming age or existing age Business Leaders to take the call at right time and never underestimate the market vibes being too over confident on the core competencies.