The RIP Trilogy, a message
Jon Quinnell
Psychic, hypnotherapist, life coach, healer and published author. A different type of human...being.
God told me to write a series of books, and so I did. I am no learned writer. I scraped through my English Language 'O' Level, I failed Literature. Three years later, the RIP Trilogy is finished and I have done what I was asked to do.
The characters and storyline stem mostly from the imagination of my own human mind. The historical background of the books and spiritual descriptions contained within, do not. The only way I can put it is that there are many messages from God within the narrative. People who have followed me from the start will know how I described the feeling of having words and phraseology flow through my fingers and into the pages freely and without conscious input. To my mind, the trilogy contains the most detailed description of the spirit realm and the meaning and philosophy of creation that you are ever likely to see.
You can make of my books what you will, we each have a will of our own which is free from outside influence. But they will speak to you. It is up to you to listen.