The Vice Chancellor of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Ms Dhulipudi Pandit, referring to bail given to Teesta Setalwad, said, “The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court opened the court on Saturday at night to give bail to Teesta Setalwad. Will it do the same for us?”

I want to assure Ms Pandit that it will never happen to a common citizen of India, regardless of the ecosystems prevailing in various institutions in the country.

Our judiciary is for, of and by RIP (Rich, Influential and Powerful) litigants/lawyers. The common man can never even imagine getting justice in the quickest of time, and in any case, by the time he gets justice, the justice itself would become meaningless.

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JNU V-C takes on SC over bail to Setalwad

TNN Sep 18, 2023, 09.00 AM 1ST

Pune: Questioning the functioning of the Supreme Court, Pandit said, ''The chief justice of the Supreme Court opened the court on Saturday at night to give bail to Teesta Setalwad. Will it do the same for us?11 She was referring to the apex court granting bail to the activist on July 1. She also said that the Left's ecosystem still exists and a similar one should be built to counter it. Pandit, who has worked in Savitribai Phule Pune University, said, ''There were more Leftists in Pune university than in JNU. I worked there (SPPU) for 32 years and fought elections here. I know how much Leftist have troubled me here. On the basis of the experience that I got here, I can serve anywhere,11 she said. tnn"

Shibaji Majumder

Finance | Risk & Governance | Strategy

1 年

Everyone is up for sale, the pricing only needs to be fixed correctly




