R.I.P Google Search, your nemesis ChatGPT is here.
R.I.P Google Search: Generated by Dalle-2

R.I.P Google Search, your nemesis ChatGPT is here.

In technology it's not new that things changes fast and new technology take over. Old companies either go bust or evolve with new technologies. Same happened with search engines started with `Archie` then to `Jumpstart` then to `Yahoo` then to `Google` and many in between them. But Google did something different, with their Page Rank algorithm they started giving better and personalised results than it's biggest competitor of that time `Yahoo`. During course of the time Google monopolised the search and used the data generated by it to run it's affiliated business and finally Google commercialised it's search engine too when it was able to complete the process of monopolisation everything that is search.

Even obituary for Google search has a date but no one was sure when and how it will happen. Those who thought it will happen always thought it will take a generation before something else can come and take over this Search domain. But, it's not the case, It's matter of months or couple of years.

Before we argue How and When it will happen, let's see what Google Search has solved for us over the years.

What Google Search does is, It crawls the internet every now and then and index all the content of the internet for quick retrieval when queried. When user do a search, It takes searched keywords/sentence, mix it with your personal data from historical searches or from other activities that google listens to and captures your digital fingerprint and provides you the result from this mammoth indexed data in no time. It's gives you a list of results that algorithm thinks is correct for you. You still have go through lot of these links, filter and process lot of data, before you can use it for your consumption. Sounds good right? Actually No. There is still search don't do.

Take an example of a developer looking for creating a calendar component in React JS. You go to www.google.com then search with few keywords that you think can give the desired results. It may give you links from say StackOverflow or some Medium.com articles. Then you go through that information try to filter it and process this information before you can consume it. Still lot of work handled by you. Not anymore.

This where ChatGPT comes into picture. ChatGPT is a form of Generative AI third generation GPT published in beta by OpenAI which has been trained on good part of internet ( till 2021). It is capable of doing what Google Search can't do.

  • It is conversational AI. It talks to you, textually at this point of https
  • It can generate a content never existed on internet. It's just not search that is there on internet, It's do or generate content for you as you requested. You don't have to anything extra.
  • It can learn as you use or other uses it. It's intelligent.

It's a highly capable personal assistant to you that your Google Search never was or is but you always wanted it to be.

Let's take developer example only and give this AI a difficult task something that probably doesn't exist on internet today. I will be telling this ChatGPT to give me the code for staking in Substrate framework (framework developed by Polkadot family).

Go To : https://chat.openai.com/chat and type Substrate Code for staking Polkadot. It will generate the code that looks something like below.

ChatGPT AI generated code in Rust language below.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)

use frame_support::{decl_module, dispatch::DispatchResult};
use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed};
use sp_staking::{
? ? offchain::{self, SubmitTransaction},
? ? StakerStatus,

pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
? ? type OffchainSubmitSignedTransaction: SubmitTransaction<Self>;

decl_module! {
? ? pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
? ? ? ? fn deposit_event() = default;

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn stake(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Stake some amount of tokens
? ? ? ? ? ? let stake_amount = 100;

? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::stake(who, stake_amount)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn unstake(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Unstake some amount of tokens
? ? ? ? ? ? let unstake_amount = 50;

? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::unstake(who, unstake_amount)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn validate(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Validate the node
? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::validate(who)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn nominate(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Nominate a validator
? ? ? ? ? ? let validator = alice();

? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::nominate(who, validator)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn chill(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Chill the node
? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::chill(who)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn set_payee(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Set the payee for the staked tokens
? ? ? ? ? ? let payee = RewardDestination::Controller;

? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::set_payee(who, payee)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn set_controller(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Set the controller for the staked tokens
? ? ? ? ? ? let controller = alice();

? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>::set_controller(who, controller)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? Ok(())
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? #[weight = 10_000]
? ? ? ? pub fn reap_stash(origin) -> DispatchResult {
? ? ? ? ? ? let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

? ? ? ? ? ? // Reap the stash (i.e. withdraw the staked tokens)
? ? ? ? ? ? <Staking<T>>


Why search? When you can get the exact answer curated for you in realtime. It's not Google Search which has it's obituary coming, it's the search itself as we know. Good Bye Google Search.

#google #searchengine #chatgpt #ai #substrate #polkadot

Ajay Kathpal

Principal Solutions Architect @ KNNX Corp

1 年

Where i can use it? i dont want to google to know this ??



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