R.I.P. Chester Bennington/ concealed depression and awareness
R.I.P. Chester Bennington
I had the privilege to shoot Chester Bennington of Linkin Park in 2014.
It makes my heart drop to my stomache that again another artist has committed suicide because of severe depression, alcohol and drugs...
My sympathy goes out to his loved ones, band members, friends and family <3
I posted a message about concealed depression and awareness a few weeks ago: https://awarenessact.com/15-habits-of-people-with-concealed-depression/?=paPlease be kind to each other, pay attention, look at the minor changes in people and their behaviour and step in before it's too late...ACT!Let's not lose anymore people over this underrated sickness...
In the end it still DOES matter!
#ChesterBennington #LinkinPark #Depression #Awareness #act #lookclosely #payattention #concealeddepression #rip #sympathy #suicide #severedepression #underratedsickness #letsstopthis #act #IntheenditstillDOESmatter!