RIO News - Jun 2024

RIO News - Jun 2024

Greetings !

We are delighted to present this month’s research and innovation news, featuring the latest research development of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).

PolyU develops and manufactures space instruments for the Nation’s Chang’e-6 mission, successfully completing the first lunar far side sampling in human history

In support of the Nation’s landmark sample return mission from the far side of the moon, a research team at PolyU collaborated with the China Academy of Space Technology to develop and manufacture the “Surface Sampling and Packing System” for this historic task.

Empowering navigation for the visually impaired through Augmented Reality

Prof. Allen Cheong, Associate Head (National and International Engagement) and Professor of the School of Optometry of PolyU, and Deputy Director of Centre for Eye and Vision Research (CEVR)
Vision loss and visual impairment are major health concerns in an aging population.?In a collaborative effort by researchers from PolyU and The University of Waterloo, they have invented a groundbreaking device that utilises Augmented Reality (AR) technology, revolutionising navigation for visually impaired individuals on their world. This device offers them a newfound sense of independence and freedom.

A rational molecular and device design by PolyU scientists enable 20% efficiency in organic solar cells

Prof. Gang LI, Sir Sze-yuen Chung Endowed Professor in Renewable Energy, Chair Professor of Energy Conversion Technology of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of PolyU
Scientists at PolyU have developed a rational design of non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) with distinct photoelectric properties. This achievement of 20% power conversion efficiency marks a significant milestone in photovoltaics (PV) technology.

PolyU scientist bestowed Nukiyama Memorial Award for exceptional thermal science and engineering research

Prof. Zuankai Wang , Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation), Kuok Group Professor in Nature-Inspired Engineering and Chair Professor of Nature-Inspired Engineering of PolyU?has been bestowed the 2024 Nukiyama Memorial Award by the Heat Transfer Society of Japan for his significant contributions to thermal science and engineering.

PolyU invented Borderless Lab 365 creates a new way of remote STEAM learning

A challenge in promoting STEAM learning among students in Hong Kong has been the lack of sufficient laboratory resources.?Dr JIM Kwok-lung, Lecturer of the Department of Applied Physics, PolyU ?and his research team developed a "web-based laboratory platform" for primary and secondary schools.?

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